Discussion of the concept of the Provincial RISPAM Final Report and a report between the feasibility study of the SPAM planning document activities
Thursday, November 4, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province was represented by the Infrastructure and Seniority Field of Attending the Activity "Discussion of the Concept of Final Report RISPAM Prov. Kaltim and a report between the feasibility study of SPAM planning documents.
in connection with the implementation of accelerating infrastructure delivery through better engineering services projects (ESP) for project preparation consultants (PPC) firm for East Indonesia Regional Water Water Supply System System Development Drinking Director General of Cipta Karya of the Ministry of PUPR and Pera held a meeting to discuss the concept of the Final Report of RISPAM East Kalimantan Province and a report between the feasibility study of the Kukar Regional SPAM - Bontang.
This event was carried out by involving related stakeholders both from the central government elements, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, and the City Government of the City which were carried out in a luring and online manner.
In this discussion, as the resource person is the Central Technical Team, namely the PPC East Consultant Team, East Kalimantan Province (Mr. Ir. Tri Joko Santoso), who delivered the concept of the RISPAM report in East Kalimantan Province.
In accordance with the recommendations of the RISPAM of East Kalimantan Province in 2021, the Regional SPAM Kutai Kartanegara-Bontang SPAM Dam Marangkayu as the most potential Regional SPAM to be immediately realized in the near future.