
Wednesday, 26 July 2023



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Direction related to the pre -rka input guidelines for 2024

Balikpapan, (07/17/2023). Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan became a guest speaker at the Assistance Meeting of Pre -RKA 2024 which was held at the Platinum Hotel in Balikpapan City.


The purpose of this activity should be prepared for an orderly, efficient, effective, effective, transparent, participatory, innovative and accountable budgeting document as well as following national conditions and the conditions of East Kalimantan by paying attention to the reasonableness and propriety.


further through this activity the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan conducts the theme of improving the quality of spending to achieve regional development goals by formulating clear priority goals/objectives, setting performance measures and targets to manage success, formulate programs/activities/sub -activities that support, set the budget according to programs/activities and ensure expenditure in accordance with indicators and performance targets.


to be known in order to pay attention to input details of income and expenditure objects pay attention to Permendagri Number 90 of 2019 and Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 050-5889 of 2021.



