
Thursday, 25 May 2023



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Indagkop and UKM Coordination Meeting in 2023

Balikpapan, (11/05/2023). Head of Economics and Natural Resources Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo attended the 2023 Indakop and UKM coordination meeting as a guest speaker at the Grand Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan.


This activity was organized by Disperindagkop UKM in the context of coordinating and synchronizing the preparation of programs and activities in 2024 Industrial, Trade, Cooperatives and UKM sectors throughout East Kalimantan.


Major Project of the Department of Industry and Trade of the East Kalimantan Province is expected to be accommodated for the welfare of the people of East Kalimantan, including: the formation of food stations (distribution centers), construction of joint production houses, industrial area development, modern cooperatives and digital MSMEs.


In his presentation Mr. Wahyu conveyed the results of the proposal agreement at the Musenbang RKPD Provincial Provincial Actors in 2024 Indagkop and SMEs in accordance in regencies/cities.


Meanwhile, the program of activities in the province that needs to get support through the target sharing with the city district in the industrial sector is the planning and development program of the industrial area, in the trade sector the export development program for the export business development sub-activities and the price stabilization program for the price of basic goods and important goods, namely controlling and information on the availability of important staples.


In the Cooperative and SME sector it needs to be supported by MSME empowerment programs, namely digital UMKM assistance, export potential SMEs, SMEs that get NIB, SMEs that get production facilitation, marketing processing, design and technology; Cooperative Empowerment and Protection Program, namely the formation of modern cooperatives with a target of 2 (two) in each district/city by empowering PPKL; Cooperation in cooperative supervision in the district/city needs to be improved.


#economy is the source of the year 2023
