
Tuesday, 14 February 2023



704 times seen

The East Kalimantan IAI Seminar measures the future of the city infrastructure & architecture on the IKN homepage

Wednesday, (02/08/2023). Representatives of infrastructure and region, Mr. Rudi Hertamiaji represented Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan to attend the IAI seminar with the theme "Messing the Future of the City Infrastructure & Architecture on the Ikn Home" at Fox Hotel Samarinda.


at the seminar, presenting 3 (three) resource persons namely the Head of Cipta Karya PUPR PER Prov. Kaltim; Peter Frans as a feature of Engineering Consultant, Chair of Inkindo 2018-2022; and Bambang Eryudhawan as chairman of Dai.


IKN is a Mega Project with a scale, the cost of technology and large resources and complexity by involving multiple stakeholders. IKN has a very ambitious KPI target. So it needs to be monitored and empower local personnel to the fullest. Based on BPS data in East Kalimantan Province, the construction sector to 2021 99,693 people and increased in 2022 to 105,395 people, there was a decline at the tertiary level. While the estimated TKK requires the capital city of the archipelago 186,400 people/year. By disbursing a total fund of 466 trillion rupiah. Therefore, public information disclosure is needed for IKN to attract investors.


#infrastructure and fell on 2023


#deduction in the future of infrastructure and a regional account of the Dot




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