Head of Government and Human Development
Overview of Position:
Leading and carrying out the operational tasks of government programs and human development based on regulations and technical guidelines that apply in the scope of planning of government and human development as material for the preparation of general policy, priority and ceiling in the field of government and human development so that the implementation of the program is implemented effectively and efficiently.'
The basic task:
Carry out the preparation of policy formulation materials, coordination, guidance, guidance, control and technical development of government and human development.'
Job description :
- Prepare an operational plan in the environment of government and human development based on the work program and leadership instructions as a guideline for carrying out tasks.
- Distributing tasks to subordinates in the field of government and human development in accordance with the main tasks and responsibilities established so that the tasks given can be effective and efficient.
- Provide instructions for carrying out tasks to subordinates in the field of government and human development in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures so that there is no mistake in carrying out tasks.
- Supervise the implementation of subordinates in the field of government and human development regularly in accordance with the rules and procedures that occur to achieve the expected goal of work.
- Planning Operational Program Activities in the field of government and human development based on strategic planning (Renstra) to be used as a guideline for carrying out tasks.
- Prepare technical instructions and operational implementation as well as the development of government systems and human development in accordance with applicable guidelines so that government activities and human development can be carried out properly.
- Coordinate the implementation of development planning in the field of government and human development in accordance with the instructions and guidelines that apply to find out the extent of the results of development.
- Evaluating the implementation of subordinate tasks in the field of government and human development by comparing the operational plans with the tasks that have been implemented as material for reports on activities and improvement of performance in the future.
- Prepare a report on the implementation of government duties and human development in accordance with the tasks that have been carried out periodically as a form of performance accountability.
- Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.
Function :
- Preparation of materials for the formulation of technical policies in the field of government and human development.
- Preparation of coordinating material planning programs in the field of government and human development.
- Preparation of materials and implementation of coordination, guidance, guidance, control and technical arrangements for the subbles of human resource development.
- Preparation of materials and implementation of coordination, guidance, guidance, control and technical arrangements for the subbles of the people.
- Preparation of materials and implementation of coordination, guidance, guidance, control and technical arrangements for government subbi.
- Preparation of materials and implementation of evaluation and reporting of human resource development, people's welfare and government.
- The implementation of other functions given by the Head of Bappeda relating to his duties.
Head of Human Resources Development Sub -Division
Overview of Position:
Leading and carrying out the activities of sub -fields of human resource development in the scope of human resource development in accordance with the procedures and provisions in force in order to support the smooth running of parts of the agency so that all work can be completed effectively and efficiently.'
The basic task:
Conducting and preparing materials for coordinating materials, guidance, technical arrangements in the development of human resources.'
Job description :
- Planning activities Sub -Sector Human Resources Development Operational Plan for Socio -Cultural Sector as a guideline for carrying out tasks.
- Divide tasks to subordinates in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities for the smooth implementation of the tasks of the Human Resources Development Sub-Division.
- Guiding the implementation of subordinate tasks in the sub -sector of human resource development in accordance with the duties and responsibilities given so that the work runs in an orderly and smooth manner.
- Checking the work of subordinates in the sub -field of human resource development sub -fields and culture according to applicable procedures and regulations to avoid errors.
- Develop the concept of plans for preparing the Regional Long -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) affairs that are the authority in accordance with procedures and provisions to be used as material by the leadership.
- Long -Term Regional (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) Affairs that are authorized based on applicable regulations so that Musrenbang activities run safely and smoothly.
- Develop the concept of a plan to carry out an agreement with the DPRD related to the APBD of Affairs which is its authority based on the applicable regulations so that the budgeting process runs smoothly.
- Develop a planned control/monitoring of the implementation of regional development planning affairs which are the authority in accordance with the regulations and regulations that apply to be used as material for accountability.
- Evaluating the implementation of subordinate activities in the sub -section of human resource development sub -section by identifying existing obstacles in the context of improvement of performance in the future.
- Reporting the implementation of performance within the Human Resources Development Sub -Division in accordance with the procedures and regulations that apply as performance accountability and future activities plans.
- Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.
Head of sub -field of the well -being of the people
Overview of Position:
Leading and carrying out activities in the field of people's welfare in accordance with the procedures and provisions in force in order to support the smooth running of some tasks of government and human development.'
The basic task:
Collecting and preparing materials for the preparation of plans and programs of people's welfare.'
Job description :
- Planning the activities of sub -fields of people's welfare based on operational plans for government and human development as a guideline for carrying out tasks.
- Divide tasks to subordinates in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities for the smooth implementation of the duties of the sub-sector of the people's welfare.
- Guiding the implementation of subordinate tasks in the sub -sector of the people's welfare in accordance with the duties and responsibilities given so that the work runs orderly and smoothly.
- Checking the work of subordinates in the sub -sector of the people's welfare in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations to avoid errors.
- Develop the concept of plans for preparing the Regional Long -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) of Population and Civil Registration, Manpower and Transmigration, Youth and Sports in accordance with the smooth implementation of tasks.
- Develop the concept of the Plan for Implementing Musrenbang Regional Long -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) Population and Civil Registration, Manpower and Transmigration, Youth and Sports.
- Develop the concept of the planned control/monitoring of the implementation of regional development planning in the social welfare environment in accordance with the applicable regulations as a material for accountability.
- Compile the concept of an agreement plan with the DPRD related to the APBDS according to the applicable regulations for the smooth implementation of tasks.
- Evaluating the implementation of activities in the sub -sector of the people's welfare by identifying existing obstacles in order to improve performance in the future.
- Reporting the implementation of performance within the sub -sector of the people's welfare in accordance with the procedures and regulations that apply as performance accountability and future activities plans.
- Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.
Head of Sub -Division of Government
Overview of Position:
Leading and carrying out part of the tasks of government and human development in the scope of collecting, preparing materials for the preparation of government plans and programs in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations in order to support the smooth task of the Regional Development Planning Agency.'
The basic task:
Collecting and preparing materials for the preparation of government plans and programs.'
Job description :
- Planning Sub -Division of Government Activities based on Operational Plan for Government and Human Development as a guideline for carrying out tasks.
- Divide tasks to subordinates in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities for the smooth implementation of the duties of the sub-sector of government.
- Guiding the implementation of subordinate tasks in the sub -sector of government in accordance with the duties and responsibilities given so that the work runs in an orderly and smooth.
- Check the work of subordinates in the sub -sector of government in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations to avoid mistakes.
- Compile the concept of plans for preparing the Regional Long -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD), Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) in the scope of government affairs in accordance with the procedures that apply for the smooth implementation of tasks.
- Develop the concept of the plan for implementing the Regional Long -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD), the Regional Medium -Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD), and the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) in the scope of government affairs.
- Develop the concept of controlling/monitoring the implementation of regional development planning within the scope of government affairs in accordance with the applicable regulations to be used as material for accountability.
- Compile the concept of a plan to carry out an agreement with the DPRD related to the APBD of Government Affairs in accordance with applicable regulations and regulations so that the budgeting process runs smoothly.
- Evaluating the implementation of activities in the sub -sector of government sub -sector by identifying existing obstacles in the context of improvement of performance in the future.
- Reporting the implementation of performance in the sub -sector of government in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations as performance accountability and future activities plans.
- Carry out other official duties given by the leadership both oral and written.