Bappeda profile
Brief History of East Kalimantan Bappeda: From 1974 to update 2020
Tupoksi Bappeda
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Organizational structure
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ASN BAPPEDA Prov. East Kalimantan
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Head of Bappeda
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Field of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development
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Field of government and human development
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Economic and Natural Resources
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Infrastructure and regional fields
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Field of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development
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Field of government and human development
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Economic and Natural Resources
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Infrastructure and regional fields
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Bappeda News
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East Kalimantan Development Performance
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In the framework of an effort to increase the harmony of regional development, it is necessary to increase harmony between sectoral development and regional development and to ensure the rate of development, balance and continuity of development in the regions a more comprehensive, directed and integrated planning is needed. Based on these considerations, the Regional Development Planning Agency was formed as stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 15 of 1974 dated March 18, 1974 which was renewed through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 27 of 1980 concerning the Establishment of the Regional Development Planning Agency and the Minister of Home Affairs Decree on July 7, 1974 concerning the Organizational Structure and further Work Procedures of the Regional Development Planning Agency by the Minister of Home Affairs are regulated in Decree Number 185 of 1980 concerning Organizational Guidelines and Work Procedures of the Level I Regional Development Planning Agency and Level II Regional Development Planning Agency.
Provincial Government of East Kalimantan Level I before the stipulation of the two provisions had a Level I Regional Development Planning Agency formed by the Decree of the Governor of the Regional Head of East Kalimantan Number 161 of 1974. In accordance with the purpose of Article 107 paragraph (1) of the Ministerial Decree in Negeri Number 185 of 1980, the Regional Regulation of the Regional Provincial Level I of East Kalimantan Number 3 of 1981 concerning Formation, Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the East Kalimantan Regional Development Planning Agency which is a substitute for Decree Number 161 of 1974.
The existence of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as an element of the planner of the Regional Government Implementation, contained in the Governor of East Kalimantan Regulation Number 46 of 2008 and Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Arrangement of the Regional Apparatus of the Province of East Kalimantan, while in carrying out its duties and functions the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province refers to reference Governor Regulation Number 76 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure, Duties, Functions and Work Procedures of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan.
Then in accordance with the Mandate of Permendagri Number 5 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Provincial and Regency/City Regional Apparatus Nomenclature that carries out supporting functions of the implementation of government affairs and letters from the Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim Number 060/95/B.UM-BAPP/2019 dated January 8, 2019 concerning SOTK BAPPEDA Amendment Prov. East Kalimantan, the East Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 76 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Structure of the Organization, Tasks, Functions and Work Procedures of the Regional Development Planning Agency of East Kalimantan Province is not in accordance with the development of the situation so it needs to be replaced. On March 30, 2020, the Governor of East Kalimantan Regulation No. 11 of 2020 concerning the Establishment and Structure of the Organization, Duties, Functions and Work Procedures of the New East Kalimantan Province Regional Development Planning Agency.