Saturday, 28 November 2020
Improve planning performance
SAMARINDA, 1/5/12. Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS chairing a meeting with the organization bureau about the orientation of the 2011 Kemenpan evaluation results in order to follow up on the results of the planning performance accountability evaluation with the target value of "A" for men in 2011 by the Ministry of PAN and RB can be realized with the value of the highest development planning value 35% in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Propeda Room Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda.
Discussion from the Organization Bureau Ir. Andi Isak, M.Si stated that the "A" assessment target of the planner's performance requires seriousness and is serious in improving performance and concerning the quality of the planner. This will be realized by hard work and coordination with related parties.
The organization bureau represented by Ir. Andi Isak, M.Si presented from the results of reports on meeting/discussion activities regarding discussions/follow -up meetings of the results of the evaluation of the performance accountability of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Agency in 2011 which was reported to the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.H. Irianto Lambi on April 2, 2012 from the Head of the Organizational Bureau, among others:
1. Basic Implementation
a. Kepmenpan No. KEP-135/M.PAN/9/2004 concerning General Guidelines for Evaluation of Lakip
b. Permenpan and RB No. 35 of 2011 concerning AKIP Evaluation Juklak in 2011 c. Menpan and RB Letter No. B/508/M.PAN-RB/02/2012 concerning the Evaluation Results of Government Agency Performance Accountability
d. Letter of Secretary Prov. Kaltim No. 066/1439/ORG regarding the Evaluation Results of Government Agency Performance Accountability
2. Activities Meeting /Follow -up Discussion The results of the evaluation of the performance accountability of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Agency in 2011, with resource persons from the Ministry of PAN and RB, namely:
a. M. Yusuf Ateh, AK., MBA (Inspector of the Ministry of PAN and RB)
b. Didid Noordiatmoko, AK., MBA (Assistant Deputy for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accountability of the Performance of the Central Government Apparatus)
3. Destination a. SKPD knows the problem of implementing AKIP Prov. East Kalimantan 2011 b. SKPD knows the rights and obligations of each in order to increase the application of the AKIP system, especially to Bappeda, Inspectorate and Organization Bureau
c. Preparation of a follow -up plan for improving the Assessment of the Implementation of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government AKIP System
1) Problem Implementation of AKIP Prov. East Kalimantan 2011, including:
a. Performance Planning • The target formulation in the RPJMD and SKPD Strategic Plan is not entirely results oriented, not yet fully equipped with measurable outcome indicators and medium-term performance targets have not been well determined • Invivation of budgeting contained in RKA-SKPD with Planning as outlined in the Strategic Plan
• Performance Determination Documents (PK) have not been monitored regularly and have not been fully utilized in various direction, performance monitoring or policy making
• RPJMD /SKPD Renstra Documents have not been fully in harmony with the RPJMN /document /document The RPJMD document, has not yet presented IKU properly and has not been reviued regularly
• RKT/Renja SKPD documents are not entirely used as a reference to prepare performance settings (PK) and prepare a budget (RKT Performance Target vs. RKA Performance Targets)
b. Performance Measurement • The measurement results do not reflect the actual performance so that it cannot be utilized for control and monitoring performance • The formulation of performance indicators (especially in SKPD) is not enough to measure performance • System /collection mechanism Inadequate performance data regarding the achievement of performance indicators • IKU measurements have not been utilized in planning and budgeting documents as well as for performance appraisal • Performance measurements have not been fully used for controlling performance and monitoring periodic performance
c. Performance Reporting • Performance information is still difficult to use to assess and improve the implementation of programs and organizational activities as well as improvement in subsequent performance • SKPD has not presented an adequate evaluation and analysis of performance achievements
• Performance information presented by SKPD not yet used for performance appraisal d. Performance Evaluation • The Provincial Government has not yet monitored the progress of performance achievement and obstacles • Program evaluation has not provided recommendations for improvement /performance improvement that can be implemented
• Program evaluation results /performance accountability have not been followed up for improvement Planning
e. Performance Achievement • Performance achievements of targets and performance indicators are not entirely precise and describe the results and not entirely achieved.
2) The policy of assessing the implementation of the AKIP 2012 system will be more directed to its use because the quality of its preparation is good enough, and the relationship between budget documents and planning documents.
3) The organizational bureau is actively facilitating directly to the SKPD to improve the implementation of the AKIP system and prepare an action plan until July 2012, especially in the performance evaluation of the SKPD program based on the performance setting (PK) at least carried out every quarter
4) Developing the implementation of monitoring evaluating performance achievements based on electronic data processing towards the implementation of e-performance as a whole starting from strategic plans, annual performance plans, performance determination to the delivery of AKIP reports. The development of the information system should be made integrated in Simonev which is currently developed by Bappeda together with the Provincial Communication and Information Agency. East Kalimantan
5) Application of the evaluation mechanism towards E-Performance through the Pilot Project approach at least 10 SKPD. Determination of the SKPD is handed over to the Provincial Government with the criteria: more technical which is the Core Business of the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan in realizing 3 East Kalimantan Agenda Bangkit 2013, namely:
a. Mandatory: Bappeda Prov. Kaltim and Inspectorate of East Kalimantan Province b. Options: 1. Mining Service
2. Public Works Service
3. Transportation Agency 4. Food Crop Agriculture Office 5. Plantation Service
6. Fisheries and Maritime Agency
7. Animal Husbandry Office 8. Food Security Agency
9. Education Office 10. Health Office 11. RSUD A. Wahab Syahranie
12. RSUD dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo
13. Department of Youth and OR 14. Environmental Agency
15. Regional Library Agency 16. Regional Archives Agency
6) SKPD leaders must be serious and serious in the application of SAKIP, review the targets in the SKPD Strategic Plan whether in line with the duties of the functions and objectives of the SKPD establish Indicators of the results and targets of achievement must be directed by the SKPD leadership
7) To follow up on the results of the evaluation, immediately prepare an action plan coordinated by the Assistant of General Administration, with members consisting of elements: Bappeda, Inspectorate, Organizational Bureau plus personnel who have been handling coordinating LAKIP preparation
8) Arranging Follow -up Plan Steps
Regional Secretary Monitoring the Implementation of the Follow -up Action Plan to Increase the Implementation of SAKIP in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government
Province Bappeda a. Conduct RPJMD review, relevant target and indicators in the RPJMD and SKPD Strategic Plan to match the function of the function and further describe the outcome (outcome oriented)
b. The policy of preparing RKT and Renja SKPD documents as a translation of further annual performance from the SKPD RPJMD /Renstra and is used in the process of preparing budget documents and the preparation of PK c. Conduct SKPD IKU review and compile a collection of performance indicators as a measure of the success of the agency to be more specific
d. Review of Budgeting Harmony (RKA) and Planning Documents (Renstra) (Bappeda, Bangda Bureau, Finance Bureau, Equipment Bureau)
e. Implementation of Program Evaluation
Organizational Bureau
a. Perform review of the Provincial Government's IKU
b. Assistance of Improvement of SKPD Performance Determination (PK) which is more oriented towards organizational targets according to RKT /Renstra
c. Conduct technical guidance in the application of SAKIP in order to increase HR capacity and at the same time reform the results of the evaluation of problems that are still found in the application of the previous year
d. Monitoring and evaluating the progress of performance achievement and obstacles based on performance determination documents through the mechanism for implementing performance management that applies specifically in the provincial government. Kaltim
e. Increasing the facilitation/assistance efforts to apply the AKIP system in the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan in collaboration with the Ministry of PAN and RB f. Assisting SKPD LAKIP Improvement
Inspectorate a. Preparation of implementation instructions for evaluating the performance accountability
b. Conduct AKIP Evaluation and utilize the results of AKIP evaluation to measure the success of the SKPD and improve the application of performance management
SKPD a. Make improvements to targets and indicators of relevant Renstra in the RPJMD and according to the task of the function and more describe the outcome (outcome oriented)
b. Submit regular program target performance monitoring reports in accordance with the mechanism for implementing performance management c. Carry out evaluation of strategic activities.
That was conveyed by Ir. Andi Isak, M.Sc at the meeting attended by participants of approximately 40 people, including from the Bureau of the Organization Ir. Andi Isak, M.Sc and Wiwik Setia Pratiwi, SH. While participants from the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretary Drs. Said Adiyat; Head of Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono; Head of Government and Apparatus Ir.tri Murti Rahayu; Head of Regional Infrastructure Ir. Salman Lumoindong, MM; Head of Statistics and Development Control Drs.H. Taufik Hermawan; Kasubbag General Dra.Hj. AH. Yone May, M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of Program Planning Ir. Surono, M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of Finance Mohammad Iqbal; Kasubbid Sda & LH Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of Business Development, Tourism and Culture Saur Parsaoran.T, SPI.Memd; Head of Subdivision of Education, Mental & Spiritual Ir.Hj. Hidayanti Darma; Kasubbid People's Welfare Charmarijaty, ST; Head of Subdivision of Government Dra. Tri Padianawati; Head of Subdivision of Abdulah Sani Apparatus, SE; Head of Subdivision of Regional Infrastructure Ir.Hj. Lisa Hasliana, M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of Statistics and Data Collection Rina Yuliati, S.Si; Kasubbid Assessment of Yusliando Regional Development, ST; Head of Subdivision of Regional Development Financing Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).