The Importance of Development Planning Personnel
Samarinda, 4/7/12. The importance of planners for regional development is like a doctor in a hospital or a lecturer at the university so The role of a planner is very necessary and very important for future development programs, said the resource person from BAPPENAs.
Meanwhile, according to the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS stated that "The importance of quality planning personnel is to support development programs in the regions. If planning is problematic upstream, the downstream development program will also be problematic," he said.
This was expressed by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.Ir.H Rusmadi.MS when giving a speech and opening the socialization event for the 2012-2013 program with the theme "The Role of Pusbindiklatren as an Agency for the Development of Functional Planning Positions (JFP) and Organizer of Planning Training ” in the Basic Pattern room of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda and was held in collaboration between the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, in this case the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and BAPPENAS.
Participants in the 2012-2013 socialization program were attended by approximately seventy-five people consisting of all relevant SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan as well as related SKPD within the Regency/City Government throughout East Kalimantan.
The participants responded very enthusiastically, with many questions being asked of the sources, both from Bappenas and the University of Indonesia, one of which was of concern to the participants was that the allowance for functional planning staff was very minimal when compared to the allowance for structural officials so it was thought to be small This planning visit reduced interest in becoming a functional planner, most of the participants who attended asked the resource person from BAPPENAS as the supervisor of the functional planner position to be able to change regulations and think about this.
The opinion of a source from Bappenas said that regional proposals regarding allowances for planning functional staff would be followed up, however, Bappenas has so far been more focused on increasing income through a performance system, in other words, planning functional staff depends on the results of what has been done. , so it is based on what output has been given to SKPD or regions.
Meanwhile, for participants' complaints stating that there is a lack of assessors for functional positions in the regions for certain positions, for example in East Kalimantan there are functional personnel in the Information Technology or computer fields but the East Kalimantan Provincial Government does not have an assessment team in these fields. This is also the case. happens a lot in other regions, BAPPENAS provides a solution that for regions that do not have assessment staff in planning functional staff or certain functional staff, BAPPENAS is ready to help those areas.
BAPPENAS provides a solution for regions that will take part in Functional Position Training to arrange schedules that do not interfere with work schedules in the regions, so that they will focus on attending functional planning training, the Bappenas Education and Training Center will propose for next year according to regional needs.
The 2012-2013 Program socialization event was closed at 11.30 by the Head of Apparatus Subdivision, Abdulah Sani, who represented the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).