
Saturday, 28 November 2020



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Decreased greenhouse gas emissions

Samarinda, Thursday 20/9/12. Secretary of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si opened a work meeting on the discussion and excavation of input to Draft Mechanism of Incentive Financing for the Implementation of Regional Action Plans Greenhouse Gas Decreasing (RAD GHK) as mandated through Presidential Regulation Number 61 of 2011.

East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretary representing the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda when chairing the meeting accompanied by Giz from the Province of East Kalimantan and Giz from the Center, and was attended by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, consultants from Jakarta, related SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, totaling approximately fifteen people.

h. Nazrin hopes that the discussion of the meeting can produce decisions that can encourage better direction to the province of East Kalimantan. The Indonesian government has actively participated in the agenda of climate change, especially when Indonesia hosted the 13th COP in Bali in December 2007.

Since then, Indonesia has also formed several institutions to deal with the issue of climate change and also issued several related policy documents and regulations. In 2009, the government has maintained climate change activities into the 2009-2014 RPJMN.

This was followed by a statement of Indonesian voluntary commitment and the preparation of the Ran-GRK perper Rancanan which was then signed in September 2011. In addition, the process of signing a cooperation agreement with the Norwegian government was followed by the preparation of the REDD+ National Strategy and the exit of Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011 concerning Forest and Peatlands Moratorium.

Rak-GRK is a policy document which is a reference for the central and regional governments, the community and business actors in planning and implementing GHG emissions to reach the target of 41%. REDD activities are an important part of the implementation of RAN-GRK.

The implementation and monitoring of the RAN-GRK is under the coordination of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordinator, while the implementation and monitoring of REDD is coordinated by the REDD Task Force assisted by the Secretariat under the Office of the Presidential Assistant Unit.

Although these two processes run in parallel with different institutional coordination, it is hoped that both can run harmoniously, so that it can be effective and also efficient in terms of funding.

Policies and regulations that have been issued by the President and various related ministries / institutions as a whole still need synchronization in implementation, funding, and MRV and monitoring, especially to see Indonesia's progress in achieving a target of 26 % / 41 %.

As a national priority, the GHG emission reduction program should be funded using fiscal instruments in the mechanism of the State Budget, as stated in Law Number 17/2003 concerning State Finance. For this reason, all revenues are sourced from domestic and foreign, such as tax revenue, non -tax, domestic loans and foreign loans, enter the state treasury and are channeled to fund programs that have been prepared in the work plan of related ministries/institutions in accordance with regulations legislation.

While for international commitment in the form of Hiba (including Representative Funds) related to funding the activities of the GHG Emissions Reduction Program for a ministry/institution, it is still carried out using the APBN mechanism in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 61/2011 concerning the National Action Plan for Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAN-GRK), the Ministry/Lembanga proposes activities related to the decline in GHG emissions, which are divided into several levels of government in accordance with the authority of each each.

Distribution of funds for activities in accordance with the central authority will use the DIPA mechanism of the Ministry/Institution, both to fund the central expenditure at the center or central expenditure in the regions. If to carry out this authority the government needs assistance from the region, then it can use the mechanism of deconcentration funds and assistance funds.

In addition to the ministry/institution, the regional government can also propose activities to support the decline in GHG emissions, both listed in the RAD-GRK and the local government initiative according to their respective conditions and needs. The distribution of funds for these activities can be carried out with a transfer mechanism.

After the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda finished opening the event, it was immediately continued by the resource person from the Jakarta Central Giz, Novi right on the right Secretary with the moderator of the East Kalimantan Giz, Wiwid to the left of the Secretary and the meeting was completed at 13.00 WITA. ).