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Coordination meeting of Bakohumas throughout East Kalimantan

Samarinda, 2/10/12. Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Drs. H. Farid Wadjdy accompanied by the Head of the East Kalimantan Public Relations Bureau, Drs. S. Adiyat and Assistant People's Welfare, H. Sutarnyoto chaired the Working Meeting of the Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) in East Kalimantan in Ruhui Rahayu Room, East Kalimantan Governor's Office, Jln. Gajah Mada Number 2. Samarinda, on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 was attended by participants of approximately eighty -five people consisting of all related SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and SKPD Regency / City Government in East Kalimantan, specifically participants from Bappeda Kaltim, Dra.Hj.A.H. Yone May, M.Si Kasubbag General and Sukandar, S.Sos Implementing Staff of Public Relations Affairs.

East Kalimantan Deputy Governor said that the importance of public relations in self -imaging of the government faces the flow of globalization of information that is getting better and more transpanating, for the role of public relations in East Kalimantan has a very important task in conveying information to the public that is building and can be accounted for. < /P>

Furthermore, H. Farid Wadjdy said that a lot of information is available, but not everyone can package into information that can be useful and constructive, and the task of public relations in East Kalimantan is how to package information so that it becomes news that can increase development As well as the welfare of the community, but once the news remains transpran. Said the Deputy Governor when giving a speech as well as opening the Bakohumas meeting in East Kalimantan with the theme "Building Public Relations Networks in Efforts to Simen Information".

While after the opening, the presentation was delivered by the first three speakers by the Head of the West Java Provincial Government's Communication and Information Office, Karso.S by conveying the presentation of "Building Communication between Public Relations Apparatus in the Region".

Head of the West Java Provincial Government Communication and Information Head said that the importance of Bakohumas communication facilities such as the appointment of Information and Documentation Management Officials (PPID) within the West Java Provincial Government in accordance with the Decree of the Governor of West Java Number: 489/Kep.487-Diskominfo/2010, concerning PPID at Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) on March 18, 2010.  =

PPID and OPD within the West Java Provincial Government are under the Secretary in the Office /Agency, Head of Public Relations in the Regional Secretariat and Setwan and Deputy Director at the Hospital. including 1. The use of the frequency of natural disasters; 2. Software Application; 3. Data communication network; and 4. media including mass media, new media, traditional media, international media, outdoor median.

While the data management application in the West Java Provincial Government consists of unstructured data applications, namely applications used for data storage from OPD and Regency/City that can be shared between OPDs and districts/cities as needed. Integrated applications are applications that are data warehouse, where data collected from OPD and presented for the consumption of regional leaders as a policy consideration body consists of sosbudpol, economy and infrastructure and the environment. Pusdalisbang Bappeda application is an application used to present data and results of development analysis, including the spatial data of West Java Province. Said Head of Kominfo West Java, Karso.S.

While the speakers from the mass media from Jakarta, Kristanto Hartadi said about "why the media made a frame". In delivering his presentation, Kritanto said that the mass world is a social arena, which is a stage where various parties and interests try to display the definitions they make themselves related to social reality in accordance with their respective interests.

According to Communication Expert Prof. Dr. Deddy Nur Hidayat, in a world like this cannot be expected that the media will behave as a neutral, passive channel, or just a collection of mediums that report social reality, the media will also act into a "behavior" or defining agency to define a social reality that it considers relevant according to their respective versions in order to build public opinion.

 6._karo_humas_kaltim_drs Referring to the view of Communication Expert Walter Lippmann (1922) then the public opinion is nothing more than the shadow contained in the minds of the community, as the fruit of the media actions to make the frame of the reality of various events in the world. < /P>

The media plays a major role in forming opinions and also in giving meaning or interpretation of the community to the environment. Even the media can be used to make "false conconousness" as in propaganda. Medi can play a very big role in promoting nationalism, social harmony, which includes many aspects of life, including religious harmony (which can be used as an example of a social construction/social construction).

However, the thing that becomes a special note and can be called a lack of a social construction is, News (news) is not possible to broadcast in full an event or a series of events, and can only convey certain fragments or parts, while observation/observation The event launched by the media will give certain meanings depending on the frame (framing) taken, Sudup view (Angle) and the perspective they build. (Dennis McQuail, 2000,101).

So when the media tries to define various social reality, there are many factors that influence it. Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reeese in their book "Mediating the Message Theories of Influences on Mass Content" states that the contents of the media are also influenced by many factors. :
1. Content as a reflection of social reality with a little distortion (mirror approach), namely: the media accurately conveys the reality in the community, but the reality is the result of a compromise between those who sell that information and the buyer of information is pollinated;

2. The contents are influenced by the socialization and behavior of the workers (communicator centered), namely: There are intrinsic psychological factors among media managers so that the social reality displayed is the result of agreement of various social groups and that is what is used as a norm. If there are new or deviant things in society it will be treated as eccentric and should be ignored.

3. The contents are influenced by routine in the media (organizational aprroach), namely: Workers in the media work under the influence of the system and structure built by the organization. For example, writing news must be in an inverted pyameda structure;

4. The contents are influenced by various social institutions and other external factors, namely: economic and cultural strength, and the audience determines the contents of the media. The market power approach, for example, forces the communicator to fulfill what is the needs of the audience than what they want;

5. The contents of the media are a function of ideological position and maintain the status of qua (hegemony approach), namely: an approach that holds that the contents of the media are influenced by those who are in power in society. As part of the economic system controlled by economic power, the mass media upholds an ideology in accordance with these interests, in order to ensure that the community will remain in the format as it is now. (Shoemaker and Reese, 1996: 6-7).

6. Regency/City Public Relations convey information in the form of news activities through e-mail news room: 1 (one) page;

7. Increasing public relations capacity through journalistic writing and photo training, involving public relations 14 districts/cities. 3. ht =

Following up on the results of the Bakohumas Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan, it held a field orientation with the West Java Provincial Government on 3 to 6 October 2012 followed by participants of approximately seventy -five people, led directly by the Head of the Public Relations Bureau, Drs. S. Adiyat.

Results of the East Kalimantan Bakohumas Meeting with the Public Relations Bureau of the West Java Provincial Government

The results of the meeting with the Public Relations Bureau of the West Java Provincial Government and the Field Orientation of the participants include: 1. The West Java Provincial Government applies a persuasive approach to the journalists or also known by them with the "Humanist" approach to every journalist; 2. In the framework of density with journalists, the West Java government formed a special Working Group of Journalists with the West Java Provincial Government represented by the Public Relations Bureau; 3. The Government of West Java through the Public Relations Bureau implements open and transparent news to journalists or mass media, both print and electronic; 4 5. The need for a strong commitment to establish good and transparent communication from all parties both between the information provider and the information disseminator; 6. The need to increase competence and quality/capacity of the role of public relations is more professional and reliable and responsible through public relations media analysis in accordance with the needs of both the government and the private sector. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

4._Gedung_sate_jabar  th =

Photo: 1. Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Drs.H. Farid Wadjdy delivered a speech as well as opening the Bakohumas Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan in the Ruhui Rahayu Room of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office; 2. Head of Public Relations Bureau, Drs. SIDIYAT; 3. Karo Humas East Kalimantan received souvenirs from Karo Humas West Java, Ruddy Gandakusumah at the Gedung Sate Governor of West Java, 4/10/12; 5. Karo Public Relations East Kalimantan delivered a welcome at a meeting with West Java Provincial Public Relations; 6. Participants in East Kalimantan Bakohumas entered the West Java Governor's Sate Gedung; 7. West Java Humas Karo Coordinating with Karo Public Relations East Kalimantan and other officials in the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the West Java Government; 8. Karo Public Relations West Java received well reporters from East Kalimantan. (Photo Doc Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).