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General view of the 2013 RAPBD

Samarinda, 11/22/12. DISCUSSION General view of the East Kalimantan DPRD in the draft Regional Budget (RAPBD) of East Kalimantan 0._KA = 2013 by a team from the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in the Floor Floor Propeda Meeting Room, Bappeda Kaltim, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda.
The team that discusses various general views of the East Kalimantan DPRD from Bappeda East Kalimantan, Finance Bureau, Program Preparation Bureau.

Quoting from the notice issued by the East Kalimantan DPRD through the East Kalimantan DPRD media website, on 22/11/12 that the plural contract pattern project was in the spotlight of eight East Kalimantan DPRD factions namely the Golkar Faction, PDIP Faction, Democratic Faction, PKS Faction, Faction, Faction PPP, PAN Faction, PBD Faction, and Hanrarant Faction conveyed general views related to the 2013 East Kalimantan R-APBD Financial Note in the XXXV plenary led by the Deputy Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD, H Aji Sofyan Alex, accompanied by Deputy Speaker of the DPRD, Yahya Anja, Wednesday (Wednesday ( 21/11) yesterday. One of the problems in the spotlight of the factions is concerning the progress of the plural contract pattern (MYC) project.

PKS Faction Spokesman Zaenal Haq reminded related to the plural contract pattern (MYC) projects, especially the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road construction project along 99.2 kilometers, the PKS Faction asked the East Kalimantan Provincial Government The plural years have been running for more than one year.

"The people of East Kalimantan must know the extent of the physical settlement of the plural contract pattern project, moreover the budget disbursed has been more than 50 percent, which is Rp1,250 trillion. Before the Budget Kembli was disbursed in the 2013 APBD, FPKS requested the Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road Construction to be evaluated in detail, especially from the five toll road segments, the physical achievement was less than 50 percent, "said Zaenal Haq, who is also the Chairperson of the PKS Faction East Kalimantan DPRD.

While the Golkar Faction Spokesman, H Suwandi said that it was considered necessary to remind the East Kalimantan Provincial Government that the 2013 APBD was the last APBD during the reign of Governor Awang Faroek Ishak to achieve the targets and targets as outlined in the 2008-2013 RPJMD.

Therefore, the Golkar Faction hopes that in the preparation of the 2013 APBD it is based on very mature thoughts and considerations, so that the progress of the achievement of the targets and targets can be fulfilled properly, for a period of five years the current governor's government.

"The Golkar Party Faction asks for an explanation by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, any regional company that is still in a lack of condition and is unable to increase regional income, bearing in mind that the provincial government has allocated funds for capital participation to regional -owned enterprises," Suwandi said.

Spokesperson of the PDIP Faction, Hermanto Kewot, said the 2013 APBD draft was based on macroeconomic growth in East Kalimantan Province in 2012, where the government recorded positive growth in the third quarter of 2.87 percent, down compared to previously grew 5.46 percent with a rate inflation of 5.39 percent compared to the previous quarter of 4.83 percent.

"PDIP Faction sees that in economic calculation we may be happy to the macroeconomic growth, but macroeconomic actually does not describe the overall economic ability of the people of East Kalimantan, because he only describes the overall economic growth while it is known that dominates things It is from the mining and oil and gas sectors, where only a small number of East Kalimantan people are absorbed in the sector, while in other Bindangs are very far behind such as the agricultural, marine, marine, micro and small and medium business sectors, "said Hermanto.

In another part, the PDIP Faction appreciated the East Kalimantan Provincial Government considering that in the financial explanation of the 2013 APBD plan, the revenue target was Rp11.5 trillion, an increase of Rp2.39 trillion or 26.34 percent of the 2012 fiscal year revenue. < /P>

One of the programs and problems highlighted by the PPP Faction is land conflicts that are very alarming lately both in plantations, mining, and forestry involving the community.

Even the existence of the politicization of the process to involve the community who actually do not know the problem, by involving community organizations that are supposed to function socially.

"Therefore, the PPP Faction asked the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and related agencies to really make preventive or prevention efforts to avoid conflicts such as in other regions, namely Mesuji, Lampung or other regions that have claimed many victims from the community Lay, "said spokesman for the PPP Faction, Syaparudin.

While the PAN faction spokesman, Zain Taufik Nurrohman highlighted several fields that would affect the development of East Kalimantan in the future, including health, agricultural public works, forestry, financial assistance expenditure to the district/city, development planning, regional research, media and broadcasting and emergency response funds.

He said, the PAN Faction was of the opinion that financial assistance from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to the Regency /City, both general and specifically intended to support the achievement of provincial government policies and reduce fiscal gaps.

"This is intended so that financial assistance can be felt benefits, it is necessary to formulate financial assistance formulations to districts/cities, by using measurable and rational variables such as equity, population, financial capacity of each region, geographical conditions, priority Development and balance, "said Zain.

Spokesperson for the Democratic Party Faction, H Ichruni Lufti Sarasakti, hopes that the 2013 APBD draft can meet the national main target, the final target of the East Kalimantan RPJMD 2009-2013, the SKPD target and the most important thing is to have an impact on improving the welfare of the people.

"Decreased population below the poverty line, decreased number of open unemployment, decreased corruption rates, improving the quality of governance, improving the quality of human resources through basic, medium and upper education APM and the quality of skills and mastery of science and technology, the quality of public health , a sustainable and maintained environment, it is very important for East Kalimantan in the future, "said Ichruni.

The highlight of the government's performance achievements was also conveyed by a spokesman for the Patriot Democratic Star Faction (PBD), Andi Harun and the spokesman for the Hanura Faction - PDS, Maria Margaretha Rini Puspa. Source: The official website of the East Kalimantan DPRD and published again by Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar Public Relations, S. Sos.