Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Borneo Holds Regional Musrenbang in 2013
Jakarta, 15/4/13. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan as the host of the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) Regional Kalimantan In 2013 the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK) on 17/4/13 at the Hotel Meeting Room Redtop Hotel, Jl. Pacenongan Number 72 Jakarta made various preparations for the implementation of the Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang.
The Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang was attended by 4 provinces in Kalimantan totaling approximately 500 people, consisting of governors, regional leadership co -coordinating forums, regents/mayors, regional secretary, members of the Indonesian Parliament, DPD elections in Kalimantan, DPRD, Rector of University, Bappeda, related SKPD SE KALIMNATAN.
The Cooperation Forum for the Acceleration of the Regional Development of Regional Development of Kalimantan (FKRP2RK) was formed and established as a form of responsibility and concern of the Governor of Kalimantan towards the people of Kalimantan. In its implementation, FKRP2RK actively coordinates/work meetings between provincial governments and conduct an audience to the Strategic Ministry every year.
The implementation of this Musrenbang, is the first year of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. In accordance with the forum agreement, every two (2) years the FKRP2RK coordinator will be handed over. In the period 2013-2014 the FKRP2RK Coordinator will be handed over from the Governor of South Kalimantan as the FKRP2RK coordinator in 2011-2012 to the Governor of East Kalimantan who will carry out the task as the forum coordinator in the 2013-2014 period.
Musrenbang Forum for the 2013 Kalimantan Regional Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation (FKRP2RK), referred to to accelerate the progress and synergize the development programs/activities of the ministries/institutions and the provincial government in Kalimantan in the field of infrastructure (connectivity) and energy on the island of Kalimantan. P>
Based on work evaluation of previous years and for work effectiveness and efficiency, in 2013 FKRP2RK carries a more specific theme of the main problem of the island of Kalimantan, namely "Acceleration of Connectivity Settlement and Energy Fulfillment of Kalimantan Island"
Subthema: Connectivity includes: Kalimantan Cross Roads, Bridges, Ports and Airports that support growth centers, support access to outlets and strategic areas on the island of Kalimantan.
Energy Sub Themes include: Fulfillment of Electricity and BBM on the island of Kalimantan. Fulfillment of energy on the island of Kalimantan is a thing that is very urgent considering that electricity and fuel are the basic needs of the community that has the potential to trigger social vulnerability. The acceleration of the completion of connectivity and fulfillment of energy on the island of Kalimantan must be a top priority considering that connectivity and energy are veins and driving machines for development and national economic growth. The selection of this theme is carried out through a fairly long and intense discussion based on the crucial problems faced by the current local government.
On this occasion we also report that the implementation of the Regional Musrenbang will be carried out for one (1) day with activities:
1. Committee Report
2. The Governor of South Kalimantan Governor as the coordinator of FKRP2RK in 2011 and 2012, at the same time explained the evaluation of FKRP2RK in 2011 and 2012.
3. The handover of the Chairperson of FKRP2RK from the Governor of South Kalimantan to the Governor of East Kalimantan for the 2013-2014 period, as well as the submission of a report and signing of the Joint Agreement and the Governor's Cooperation Agreement in Kalimantan
4. The Governor of East Kalimantan's speech was related to "Acceleration of Connectivity and Energy Fulfillment on the island of Kalimantan" as well as opening the Musrenbang event.
5. Furthermore, Plenary Meeting: Related to the acceleration of connectivity completion and energy fulfillment of the leadership of the session by the Governor of Central Kalimantan 6. DISCUSSION: Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Minister of PPNKEPALA BAPPENAS, Minister of Public Works, Minister of Election Commission and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Formulation of results.
(Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).