Pra Musrenbang Regional Kalimantan 2013
Jakarta, 4/16/13. Head of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS as the host of the implementation of the Regional Musrenbang se Kalimantan chairing the pre -construction plan for the Kalimantan Regional Development Planning (Musrenbang) with the theme "Acceleration of Connectivity Completion and Energy Fulfillment in Kalimantan in the Jakarta Redtop Hotel Meeting Room, together with the Head of South Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Head of Central Kalimantan Province Bappeda, and Head of Provincial Bappeda West Kalimantan. Participants were attended by all Bappeda and related SKPDs in the scope of the Provincial Government in Kalimantan to approximately 150 people.
Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi, MS stated that Kalimantan Regional Development Planning in accordance with the theme discussed that future development planning prioritizes renewable natural resources, and regarding the acceleration of the completion of the regional connectivity of Kalimantan is closely related to the infrastructure of the Kalimantan Tran Road which currently still requires a synergy attention, Because the condition of the Kalimantan Tran infrastructure is still far from expectations, or bad conditions.
The poor Trans Kalimantan road conditions cause very high transportation costs and have an impact on the economic needs of the community to be high so that the attention of all provincial governments in Kalimantan to improve the infrastructure of the Trans Kalimantan road.
Priority Programs in Kalimantan
13 Priority Programs 4 Governors include: 1). Completion of the construction of the Kalimantan crossing road (south, central, north, and crossing to the border and, the Kalimantan crossing road; 2). Improvement of national road classes from class III to class II (Revision of the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 1 of 2003); 3). Balikpapan Toll Road Construction - Samarinda along 98 km (has been determined through the Decree of the Minister of Public Works No. 567/KPTS/M/2010 concerning National Road Toll Road in East Kalimantan Province); 4). Bridge construction in Kab. Barito Kuala, Balang Island Bridge, and the acceleration of the construction of the Loa Kulu Kutai Kartanegara Bridge; 5). Development of Tjilik Riwut Airport, Syamsudin Noor, Extension of Sepinggan Airport Runaway, Ketapang Airport; 6). Pioneer Air Transport Subsidies between Provincial Capital on Kalimantan Island Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Banjarmansin, Samarinda/Balikpapan, construction of Juwata Airport; 7). Subsidies for Transport Cost (SOA) Border Border Airport; 8). Development of Pulang Pisau Sea Port, Bagendang, Batanjung and Segintung, Banjarmasin Sea Port, Planning & Development of Tanjung Gondol Main Port, Bengkayang, Construction of the Port of Teluk Batang, Sintete, Ketapang, Kendawangan, Kipi Maloy Port, and Palaran Port, Banjarmasin Port Development, Port Pelaihari Sea in Swarangan - Kab. Sea land; 9). Determination of Airports and Ports in Corridor III of Kalimantan Island as International Hub Outlets; 10). Construction of type A terminals in Samarinda, AKAP Terminal in Palangkaraya, Dry Port Entikong and Badau Terminal, Mass Transportation (BRT) in Banjarbakula Metropolitan; 11). Fulfillment of raw water/drinking in Pontianak City, provision & management of regional raw water in Banjarbakula, construction of the Tapin Dam in Kab. Tapin; 12). Feasibility Study/Detail Engineering Design Development of Railroad Infrastructure and Facilities in West Kalimantan, Study Study of the Railroad Network Master Plan in South Kalimantan, and 13). Acceleration of coal railroad construction permits in East Kalimantan.
Based on economic excellence and potential carried out through 3 main strategies, including: 1). Developing existing industries (oil and gas, steel, bauxite, fertilizer, coal) towards the hilirst product increases competitiveness; 2). Building palm -based industries, rubber, rattan, timber, shrimp, grouper, seaweed and the development of food estate (renewable economic sector) with an economic scale approach and industrial cluster (agro -industry and agroservices) based on excellence and economic potential is carried out through 3 main strategies between Other: 1). Developing existing industries (oil and gas, steel, bauxite, fertilizer, coal) towards the hilirst product increases competitiveness; 2). Developing palm oil -based industries, rubber, rattan and timber (renewable economic sector) with an economic scale approach and industrial cluster (agro -industry and agroservices) and food estate development; 3). Reinvestment of income from natural resources for human resource development and regional infrastructure.
Kalimantan Connectivity
Kalimantan connectivity includes: 1). The quality and capacity of infrastructure is still low; 2). Kalimantan Island Road Class: Class IIIA and IIIB Maximum MST 8 tons; 3). Inadequate connectivity between transportation modes (land, sea and air); 4). Gap between regions; 5. Slow economic growth.
Important Issues Related to Kalimantan Energy Security
Important issues related to Kalimantan energy security include: 1). Energy needs are expected to increase rapidly with the industrialization and growth of the national middle class; 2). Instability in the Middle East is expected to be ongoing; 3). The growth of global oil production is estimated to be stagnant, shifting to coal and gas; 4). National oil production capacity is not optimal, but consumption continues to grow as the middle class increases; 5). Increasing the role of renewable energy sources: geothermal, wind, microhydro, biodiesel, bioethanol; 6). Significant policy changes are needed to reduce unproductive energy subsidy expenditure and provide adequate incentives for the development of new and renewable energy sources.
Hasi Regional Pre -Musrenbang Meeting in Kalimantan is expected to be the accidental acceleration of the completion of the connectivity and enegi murder in Kalimantan. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).