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Government Agency Performance Accountability

Balikpapan, 26/9/13. The selection and determination of the main indicators (IKU) must meet the characteristics of good and sufficient indicators To measure the performance of the organization concerned, among others: 1). Specific; 2). Can be achieved; 3). Relevant; 4). Describe the success of something measured; 5. can be calculated and measured. This was conveyed by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono represented the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda when delivering remarks as well as opening the Main Performance Indictory Technical Guidance event in the Grand Tiga Mustika Hotel Meeting Room, Jalan Ars Muhammad Number 51 Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, Thursday, September 26, 2013.

The Bimtek IKU event was attended by all SKPD scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government of approximately 100 participants and also attended by 2 speakers from the Ministry of Empowerment of the Republic of Indonesia, Devi Anata and Ananda Juarsa with chairing the hearing and at the same time becomes the moderator of the Head of Government and Bappeda Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Sc.

further H. Djoko Susilo Handono said in his remarks that the selection and determination of IKU must use the principles of caution, accuracy, openness and transparency in order to produce information that can be accounted for. < /P>

ultimately the determination of the main performance indicators for government agencies is 1. Medium-term planning; 2. Annual planning; 3. Preparation of Performance Determination Documents; 4. Reporting Performance Accountability; 5. Evaluation of the performance of government agencies periodically; 6. Monitoring and controlling the performance of programs and activities every year and can help accelerate the preparation of the Regional Government Implementation Report (LPPD) and the Performance and Accountability Report (LKPJ).

While the delivery of resource persons Devi Ananta from the Ministry of Empowerment of the Republic of Indonesia State Apatur emphasizes the accountability of the performance of government agencies and in its presentation entitled Review of Main Performance Indicators in Government Agencies.

The contents of his presentation say that the number of public comments about the success and success of government agencies in carrying out the mandate given to him shows the expectations and public care that must be responded to.

is a gap that occurs because of the difference between the expectations of the community and what actually becomes the quality guidelines of a government agency that provides public services.

While the resource person Ananda Juarsa expressed his presentation with the title of Performance Planning of Government Agencies, the contents of the warrior stated that the performance appraisal of the government apparatus was not the same as the government accountability assessment, so it could happen very differently The results are between government accountability and the performance of government officials.

While the warning from Bappeda East Kalimantan was delivered by Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono, Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda with the title "Integration of the RPJMD Draft and SKPD Renstra of East Kalimantan Province in 2013-2018, according to the contents of the material with the background, among others: 1). Since the 1999 reforms through the 1999 Presidential Instruction concerning AKIP, the government began to encourage every government agency to change the orientation of planning and budgeting from output orientation to outcome orientation; 2). Concrete evidence is Law No. 17 of 2001 concerning the State Equal which is the basis for the implementation of a performance -based budget that is more oriented to outcomes, benefits and impacts; 3). The shift of the approach of the Budgeting Line Item which tends to be conservative and incremental to performance based budgeting. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).

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