Tuesday, 01 December 2020
DAK adjusting regional standards
Samarinda, 10/23/13. Coordination between the central governments, provinces and cities and related agencies must run well for
Further Plh. The Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda said that in the implementation of DAK programs and activities in the regions of each district/city in East Kalimantan and in East Kalimantan it is expected to be able to follow the standardization of the region concerned, this is done for the smooth implementation of programs and activities in the regions, because regional standardization will definitely be different -different.
Hope Ir.H. Nazrin as PL. Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda and Secretary of East Kalimantan Bappeda on the implementation of the DAK program is to have a very large impact and benefits for the community so that it will improve the welfare of the community better at this time and in the future.
In accordance with the delivery of remarks as well as opening the DAK Regency/City Evaluation Meeting in East Kalimantan and Kaltara Baha in 2013, East Kalimantan Province received an allocation of deconcentration funds in the scope of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Regional Development Development Program with the activities of strengthening the role of the province in controlling reporting and Evaluation of the Utilization of the Special Allocation Fund Program (DAK) and is the second year of the Province of East Kalimantan to get the deconcentration fund.
In general, the framework of the purpose of implementing the deconcentration of strengthening the role of the province in controlling, reporting and evaluating the use of the program DAK includes:
1. Establishment of implementing organizations at the provincial level consisting of elements of Bappeda, Regional Development Bureau and Financial Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Prov.Kaltim and related SKPD and DAK Recipients.
2. Coordinate with the Central and Regency /City Implementing Organizations through the Coordination Forum.
3. Conduct technical monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of DAK.
4. Coordinate and consolidate the technical monitoring report on the implementation of DAK from the Provincial SKPD and reports received from the Regency /City.
5. Submit reports on the results of technical monitoring of the implementation of DAK and policy recommendations. 6. Together with the central team to collect data and verification and validation of DAK data facilities and infrastructure of government in the regions. In the context of improving the implementation of DAK and increasing the role of provincial institutions as representatives of the central government in the regions in terms of fostering and supervising the implementation of DAK in East Kalimantan Province and optimizing the implementation of DAK in 2013 Regency/City Recipient of DAK and Regency/City Bappeda.
Based on Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning System (SPPN) where in carrying out development planning there are four stages that must be implemented, namely the preparation of plans, implementation, control and evaluation of the implementation of the plan. Planning, implementing, controlling and evaluation activities are parts of the management function, which are interrelated and each gives feedback and input to others. Planning that has been well prepared, there is no meaning, if it cannot be implemented, on the contrary every implementation of the plan will not run smoothly, if it is not based on good planning. In line with that, in the framework of transparency and accountability in managing development programs, it is necessary to control and evaluate the implementation of development plans. As the main tasks of the Provincial Bappeda assist the Governor of the Regional Head in the administration of provincial government in the scope of regional development planning and control, including monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of programs/activities carried out by SKPD/Agencies/Institutions sourced from APBN/PHLN funds, deconcentration, assignment duties and Joint affairs.
Special Allocation Funds (DAK) are funds sourced from the state budget allocated to certain regions with the aim of helping to fund special activities which are regional affairs and in accordance with national priorities.
Based on PP 7 of 2008, the allocation of deconcentration funds, assistance tasks and joint affairs is intended to increase achievement of performance, efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of government, public services and development in the region, as well as creating harmony and synergy nationally between programs and activities deconcentration, assistance task and joint affairs funded from the state budget, with decentralized programs and activities funded from the APBD.
As the consequences of regional autonomy are constructed permanently in the system of the unitary state, the report on the administration of regional government, is one of the very important means, as a glue of hierarchical relations between the central and regional governments. Thus local government activities are a series and inseparable parts with the activities of the implementation of the State Government as a whole. Considering the position and role of reporting is very important, the report on the administration of regional government is one of the obligations of the regional head to be carried out, both because of his position as a regional leader and as a government leader in the administrative system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Plth. The Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda at the end of his remarks advised that in order to improve the reporting system, in accordance with Government Regulation Number 39 of 2006 and Permenkeu Number 156 of 2008, it was requested for the Regency/City SKPD and the DAK Provincial SKPD to make reports and submit regular reports/reports The good quarter of the managerial and accountability report in accordance with the format specified for the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), as an obligation as the manager of the DAK to be able to submit the report to the Governor CQ. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).