
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Consolidation between East Kalimantan SKPDs

Samarinda, 7/11/13. Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, as well as Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. _ 3._Perta

The purpose of the TEPPA application , to develop the online application of the monitoring and evaluation system and supervision of the absorption of the APBD budget used by the Provincial Government in vulnerable time for the right plan.

The purpose of the application of TEPPA, , among others: 1). Able to maintain the consistency between implementation (realization) in accordance with the plan; 2). Can find out the development, namely physical progress of activities, budget absorption, handling of problems that arise in the field, the results of field monitoring and achievement of performance indicators; 3). Can assess the performance of the SKPD and its activities.

Target of the TepPA application, All SKPDs and supporting devices of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, have a system in reporting development activities in SKPD sourced from APBD funds periodically and quickly.

Legal Basis for Teppa Application 1. Law No.25 of 2004, concerning "National Development Planning System (SPPN)"; ​​
2. Government Regulation No. 39 of 2006, concerning "Procedures for Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Development Plans";
3. Government Regulation No. 8 of 2008 concerning "Stages of Procedures for the Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Regional Development Plan";
4. Permendagri No. 59 of 2007 concerning "Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 13 of 2006 concerning" Guidelines for Regional Financial Management "; 5. The 2008 Menpan Instructions concerning "Performance Based Planning and Performance Agreement within Government Agencies";
6. Permendagri No. 54 of 2010 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation No. 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans.

Scope of Teppa Application 1. Establishment of the East Kalimantan Budget Evaluation and Supervision Team (TEPPA);
2. Facilitation of the establishment of the Regency /City Budget Evaluation Team (TEPPA);
3. TEPPA's pre-rapim facilitation periodically based on a working group led by each assistant;
4. Periodic Teppa rapim facilitation led by the Governor of East Kalimantan;
5. Facilitation and assistance of TEPPA Online Application Systems for all SKPD Scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and City Regency;
6. Application of the Teppa Online Application System for all SKPD Scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan.

Realization of the 2013 East Kalimantan APBD Realization of the 2013 East Kalimantan APBD as of October 31, 2013 based on the TEPPA application of Rp. 8.91 trillion or 58.85% of the total pure APBD budget and APBD-P of Rp. 15.14 trillion.

_ 4._PESTERA_TEPPA _ 5._pesera_teppa _ 6._PESTERA_PUAD