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TEPPA National Working Meeting 2013

Nusa Dua, Bali, Saturday 7/12/13. The President's work unit for Monitoring Development Control (UKP-PPP) through the Evaluation and Supervision Team 1._Peanggaran_Pemhub_TEPPA_KalimantanBudget Absorption (TEPPA) held a National Working Meeting at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC) Nusa Dua Bali. The National Working Meeting with the theme "Quality Budget Implementation Through Budget Transparency and Community Participation in Oversight of Regional Budget Management" was opened by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. DR. BUDIONO,

The TEPPA National Working Meeting was attended by all Provincial TEPPA Liaison Officers, Regents and Mayors throughout Indonesia. On this occasion, East Kalimantan Province was represented by Plt. Regional Secretary Mr. Dr. Ir. H. RUSMADI, MS is also the Head of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province who is also the TEPPA Liaison Officer for East Kalimantan Province, followed by representatives of regional heads from each Regency/City throughout East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan including:

? Mayor of Samarinda and his staff;
? Deputy Regent of North Penajam Paser;
? Acting Regent of Upper Mahakam;
? Regional Secretary of Berau Regency;
? Paser Regency Development Section;
? West Kutai Bappeda; and
? Bappeda Malinau.

Prof. DR. Budiono, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia expressed the hope that through the TEPPA Monitoring System all Regencies/Cities throughout Indonesia can increase the realization of budget absorption where this is a report card from each region to the regions which will later be submitted to the public. The vice president also conveyed the importance of transparency in the development of the implementation of development programs and budgeting, where one of the criteria for a quality budget is the realization of good budget absorption and its effective use in achieving targets.

In overcoming the problem of budget absorption, the Vice President advised the finalization of the regional budget regulations before December 31 2013 and that the monitoring system also involves the community. Several other directions from the Deputy President include:
? Reviewing regional regulations related to regulations;
? Ensuring the readiness of resources in the midst of budget implementation;
? Increasing synergy between all stakeholders;
? Providing opportunities for the community to participate in supervision;
? Priority budget allocation to public services.

Bali Province as the host for the implementation of the National Working Meeting, represented by the Deputy Governor, through his speech said that the absorption of the Bali Province APBD realization up to 31 October 2013 reached 53.88%, which exceeded the achievement in 2012, namely 49.50%. The total Bali Province APBD reaches IDR. 4.3 trillion with realized regional income reaching 91.64% which is dominated by the tourism sector and the appointment of Bali Province as the organizer of this National Recreation is a matter of pride where on this occasion the Province of Bali can promote regional tourism known as the Island of the Gods.

At the event, the chairman of Central TEPPA who is also the chairman of UKP-PPP, Mr. KUNTORO MANGKUSUBROTO, in his speech conveyed the development of budget realization reporting by districts/cities throughout Indonesia to Central TEPPA through SISMONTEP (Central TEPPA Monitoring System), where all districts /Cities throughout Indonesia through the results of the detailed Central TEPPA inventory as follows:
? A total of 295 regencies/cities reported the condition of the APBD, both structure, as well as realization and budget absorption targets (including 4 regencies/cities of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan);tabel_UKP4
? A total of 108 regencies/cities only reported the APBD structure and had not yet achieved progress and realization or budget absorption targets (including 2 East Kalimantan regencies/cities);
? A total of 88 regencies/cities did not report at all (including 8 regencies/cities of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan).

Apart from that, the average actual budget absorption still reached 51.16% of the estimated target of 59.16%. The district with the highest absorption was Southwest Aceh at 79.95% and the lowest was Bogor City at only 4%. Meanwhile, the results of the inventory of reporting conditions for districts/cities throughout East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan through SISMONTEP UKP4 are in the following table:

Simontep UKP-PPP Application Portal (
Meanwhile, the Head of the Central BPKP, Mr. MARDIASMO, said on this occasion that there were still up to 12,947 cases of irregularities with a total budget of Rp. 9.72 trillion, where this is still influenced by problems including:
? Non-compliance in budget implementation;
? Weaknesses of the internal control system;
? Administrative irregularities and
? Budget leaks

Continued with remarks by the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. ANI RATNAWATI as Deputy Chair of Central TEPPA, conveyed that the problem of budget absorption was still the same pattern as the previous year, namely the buildup of the budget at the end of the year. The role of regions is very important in relation to economic growth because up to 65% more absorption goes to regions. Apart from that, budget preparation is still hampered by disagreement between the executive and legislative branches. In relation to the central government's focus on regional development and equality, the emphasis is on the Rural Infrastructure program under the coordination of the Ministry of Public Works in the form of direct assistance to the community in the amount of Rp. 250 million per village.

The Ministry of Home Affairs was represented by the Director General of Regional Finance, Mr. DR. YUSWANDI A. TEMENGGUNG conveyed the importance of transparency and accountability in budget implementation as well as increasing the volume of budget realization and also synergy between the government and the community in preparing budget planning. On this occasion, it was also stated that Regency/City revenues up to the third quarter reached 75.19% while spending power only reached 51.16%, where the lowest percentage was still capital expenditure. Apart from that, this is also due to the fact that the ratification of the APBD by Regencies/Cities is not on time, where only 65% ​​of Regencies/Cities are on time in ratifying the APBD.

The meeting at the National Working Meeting was held in a desk pattern which divided each province in Indonesia into two groups with presentation sessions by resource persons in order to inventory problems in the regions in order to overcome budget absorption in each region. The sources include:

? Director General of Regional Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. SARIFUDDIN regarding the Regency/City Expenditure Evaluation submitted by;
? Head of LKPP Mr. AGUS SUHARJONO regarding obstacles to procurement of goods and services, LKPP's position as technical supervisor, and ULP for the 2014 fiscal year;
? The Director of Regional Financial Administration of the BPKP, namely Mr. KASMITO, conveys the responsibility for regional financial management;
? Assistant for General Administration and Government of the Regional Secretariat of Pontianak City related to budget planning with community participation; and
? Deputy III Head of UKP-PPP regarding LAPOR!/open government Indonesia.

After a full day since the opening in the morning starting at 09.00 WIT until the end of the event at 17.00 WIT, several problems and further actions in the National Working Meeting were concluded, including:

? The regional head ensures that in Musrenbang the proposals can be realized;
? In the 2014 fiscal year, all districts/cities implemented regional financial control and budgeting processes;
? Regional heads can monitor all SKPD with TEPPA;
? 2014 is the first step towards transparency in government performance and TEPPA will encourage the public to participate in control.

Meanwhile, the follow-up to the National Working Meeting is:

? Provincial TEPPA to take strategic steps towards Regency/City TEPPA;
? Regency/City TEPPA strengthens the role of SKPD performance;
? Regency/City TEPPA supports community participation in control in the Regency/City; and
? All regencies/cities to strengthen the role of SISMONTEP in reporting budget realization.
(Muhammad Hamsani, ST; Stadal Staff of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province/Teppa Secretariat, East Kalimantan Province)