Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Isra 'Mi'raj: The Prophet Muhammad SWT
Samarinda, 5/19/14. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held an Isra 'Mi'raj event with the theme "Commemorating Isra' Mi'raj Great Prophet Muhammad SWT We increase friendship, faith and taqwa "in the meeting room of the basic pattern of Bappeda Kaltim, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No.2 Samarinda. Present for the participants of the entire Kabid, Head of Subdivision and Head of Subdivision, Staff and Staff of the Environmental Outsourcing of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan.
This event begins with the opening by Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Sc. In the delivery of remarks, H. Nazrin said that "Isra 'Mi'raj is an important event for us, in order to carry out all the commands of Allah and imitate the nature and attitude of the great Prophet Muhammad in our daily lives". Plh. The Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda invited all participants to emulate all the characteristics and attitudes of the Prophet in order to increase faith and devotion to Allah SWT. Isra Miraj experienced by Sayyidina Muhammad SAW is a suprarational event where ordinary people will have difficulty trusting it, not because it does not make sense but exceeds it just makes sense.
h. Nazrin added that the activities and work carried out by Bappeda may be worldly, but always based on the belief that everything that is done in this world will surely be held accountable in the hereafter.
Then the event continued with the reading of the Holy Qur'an and its translation by the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda staff and continued with the delivery of spiritual splash by Ustadz H. Azwar Qowim.
In the delivery of spiritual splash, Ustadz H. Azwar Qowim invited the pilgrims to reflect one of the hadiths of the Prophet who was considered the most frightening. It is not a hadith that explains the enormity of the grave, or even about hell. But about deeds (charity).
By picking 2 verses from the Qur'an, the letter of Az Zalzalah verses 7 and 8 which means "Whoever does the goodness as heavy as Dzarrah, he will see him (reply). And whoever does a crime as big as Dzarrah, surely he will see (reply) as well. " Ustadz Azwar explained that no matter how small human actions, good or bad will definitely be held accountable. src = "" alt = "2._dsc_8893" width = "500" Height = "331" />
then the hadiths of the Prophet who explained about the deeds of action were considered frightening because as we know in one of the pillars of faith is faith to angels. Where the angels that we know each carry out one task, but there are two angels who are ordered to carry one task namely the angel Munkar and Nakir to give questions to humans who have been buried about all their deeds and actions during life in the world.
Why is that, Ustadz Azwar said that this can be associated with life in the Barzah realm is the beginning of an essential life, where the beginning of life that has no limits. So before entering that life, the inhabitants should be cleaned from all the bad things he had done while in the world by being held accountable.
"If wealth and family can leave us at death, then all that remains is charity," he said. If we are able to reflect on all of this then we will not be able to use a short age in the world to spree or do things that violate Islamic law. So, this is where the importance of piety because piety to God will lead our hearts to the right path.
The historical events of Isra 'Mi'raj Rasulullah SAW, taught us the importance of a clean heart, just imagine before that event the Prophet who was ma’sum (awake) and noble must be dissected first before doing the trip by the angel Jibril and Mikil. Only a clean heart will arrive at Allah SWT.
Therefore, we as humans (servants of God) must be able to cleanse our hearts. One of them is living with dzikrullah (remembering Allah), if our hearts are clean then we will be able to direct our work towards the blessing of Allah SWT, but if our hearts are dirty then we will only bring our work to be mastered by satisfaction and arrogance.
At the end of his lecture, Ustadz Azwar invited the worshipers to sing dhikr together. Before closing the event with prayer, he did not forget he reminded that there was no one living with Dzikrullah that he was feared except Allah SWT. (Source: Darma Staff for Stadal Bappeda East Kalimantan and published by Bappeda Public Relations of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).