Land certificate like a KTP
Jakarta, Thursday 4/9/14. The existence of land certification is like being as important as the Identity Card (KTP). Opinions like this are partial large only people in urban areas, while the assumptions of the people in rural areas are not so important the existence of the land certificate, even though the existence of certification is an important document in land ownership that is recognized according to the law and at the same time adding the value of the land price .. < /P>
This was revealed by the chairman of the meeting, okay from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas representing the Directorate of Spatial Planning and Land in the ORIA Ballroom II Meeting Room, Hotel Oria, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim, Central Jakarta, Thursday 4/9/14
Participants in the meeting approximately 50 people from the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas, Assistant I for Government Affairs, H. Aji Fathurahman, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Finance Bureau, Fahmi, Bappeda Regency in East Kalimantan, Regional BPN Regional Office of East Kalimantan Province and BPN Regency BPN in East Kalimantan.
Exposure to Bappenas
The important points delivered in the forum include:
1. Basic maps and certificates must be adjusted;
2. This meeting was often held with the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and succeeded in an agreement on July 11, 2013 and agreed on a coordination meeting on May 30, 2014 whereas with the same problem in 2013;
3. In 2015 it must have a target with Bay Name Bay Adress, to the address in the Regency/City/Village;
4. The BPN in making land certification when all administration is complete, the making of the certificate is 4 months, it has been completed;
5. Bappenas plans to make a field visit to the Regency /City of East Kalimantan Province in October 2014;
6. The BPN together with the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan are expected to disseminate clean and clear status to the public;
7. Bappenas is currently still struggling for the Proda Program for the entire free, because currently it is still not completely free.
Provincial exposure
a. Head of Government and Apparatus of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Si conveyed the presentation with important points, among others:
1. The position of the 2014 Agricultural Business Land Certification Based on the Regency /City is actually approaching clean and clear data;
2. Kubar, 2014 Certification Proposal A total of 149 parcels /fields;
3. Kutim, 2014 Certification Proposed 53 Parrings /Fields;
4. Berau, 2014 certification proposal was 200 parcels /fields; 5. Kukar, 2014 Certification Proposal was 200 parcels /fields; 6. Paser, 2014 certification proposal was 29 parcels /fields;
7. PPU, 2014 Certification Proposed as many as 200 parcels/fields;
b. Assistant I of the East Kalimantan Provincial Setwilda Government, H. Aji Fathurahman and the East Kalimantan Provincial Setwilda Finance Bureau, Fahmi and the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Si conveyed the presentation with important points, among others:
1. The success of Proda is in the seriousness of the district government, especially in the sub -district;
2. Strong commitment from the district government, especially from Bappeda, Agriculture and BPN as well as the sub -district;
3. Legal certainty must be carried out with certification this will reduce land conflicts.
4. The Finance Bureau provides an explanation, Fahmi that this program is a financial assistance from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and this is the responsibility of both the provincial and district Bappeda;
5. Make sure at the end of this year it is clear RKA and what will be done in 2015;
6. Land certification is included in the progress of implementation, if it is not the progress, the funding cannot be disbursed;
7. Bappeda can coordinate each related SKPD;
8. Based on information from the Head of PA Bappeda East Kalimantan that those who convey Proda's obstacles are in the district;
9. Special Financial Assistance This certification focuses on agriculture.
District exposure in East Kalimantan
a. The exposure of Kukar Regency was represented by the Head of Agriculture and Land with important points, among others:
1. New fields and still studying from failures from 2012-2013 and there are still those who have to bear the financing issued;
2. There has been a collaboration with the BPN in the Proda and there are still costs that have not been included in the DPA, causing difficulties;
3. Coordination with the BPN has been running from the total proposed only two who have a tax card;
4. Direction from Bappeda and the Finance Bureau to the program planning grid; 5. Agricultural land can still be in the context of sustainable land protection; 6. What points can be coordinated with BPN.
b. The exposure of Paser Regency with important points, among others:
1. Difficulty in issuing SKT and when payment in front or behind;
2. Setian agricultural instructors every 2 weeks and those who provide information to the public;
3. Proposed as many as 29 hectares specifically for food farming or rice and there are people who resign because of the misunderstanding of legislation and are expected to not switch the function of agricultural land to plantation land;
4. The certificate is a ownership right by the community and there is no relationship with land use, the opinion of the meeting leader;
5. Land use has been included in the spatial layout;
6. Socialize the importance of certificates to the public;
7. Certificate payment mechanism if Bankeu has entered how the explanation is;
c. The exposure of Berau Regency with important points, among others:
1. Technical payments still need to be coordinated with the BPN; 2. In addition to funds from financial assistance from the provinces from Berau Regency itself has accommodated the budget, but it did not work;
3. BPN is ready to measure but does not yet have UN data;
4. The plan will increase financing with the BPN but cannot be exceeded the ceiling;
5. In financing the certificates in BPN there is no exceeding the ceiling, if it exceeds the ceiling is even very good and achievers, information on meeting leaders.
D. Exposure to North Penajam Paser Regency, Expert Staff of Regent of Government and Politics with important points, among others:
1. Constraints of failure to certification in 2010-2011 because the budget is in the field of government and does not have the operational and technical guidelines;
2. Never stop thinking at work, because there are still obstacles in the community about boundaries, as well as not being charged financing to the community, and the payment must be clear;
3. There is no enthusiasm in the community in the certification program, if it's free, the community will support the program;
4. Technical guidelines must definition the same as other regions not to discriminate between poor and rich;
5. The Camat must dare to lose money in the management of community land certificates, because the community has no enthusiasm.
e. The exposure of West Kutai Regency with important points, among others:
1. Different provisions between the Regency Government and the BPN, the provisions with the BPN that the payment in the future first measures, while the Kubar Regency Government has recently been financing;
2. The financing proda is based on provincial financial assistance;
3. The proposed by the Kubar Regency Government is 4,000 parcels /fields. The exposure of East Kutai Regency with important points, among others:
1. Proposed as many as 107 parcels /fields;
2. The 2014 proposal as many as 56 parcels /fields have been handled by East Kutai Regency;
3. Constraints from the benchmark in Kutim Regency are only one person;
4. The information on the central website is on the portal info from Bappenas;
5. Establishment of a Special Land Court;
6. The formation of a land bank, so far has been carried out by the private sector even though this is the responsibility of the government;
7. Constraints for land benchmarks The proportion is improved, this concerns the provision of human resources and this is still struggling.
Discussion of BPN RI and participants with points, among others:
1. Certificate is a legal certainty;
2. Land registration is mandatory for the owner but because there are no sanctions, they do not get appreciation from the community;
3. Registration in a positive country is a temporary prona for legal certainty must have a certificate;
4. Proda is almost the same as Prona, related to its service, technical guidelines are needed to cover BPN in the regions;
5. Which is interested in land certificates is on the part of the government because it is related to competitiveness;
6. Its subjects in the use of prona or proda are people who are rich in findings because they are detrimental to state money;
7. The first time hearing in one package is included in the measurement;
8. Head of Regional Office of East Kalimantan BPN supports the program; 9. Submission of files not at the end of the year;
10. Clean and Clear data must be outside the forest area;
11. Proda in the agricultural program in a broad sense but so if it is included in the plantation area it will be rejected too;
12. In addition to forests and spatial planning that needs to be considered in submitting a certificate;
13. Initially the certification program began with the Governor's statement that the people who have land must have certificates, Fahmi info, Finance Bureau;
14. The need to be in the first inventory of what needs by BPN that needs to be paid in advance and this is in detail so that it will produce the numbers to be paid;
15. The technical guidelines of the SKPD concerned are more aware of; 16. All issues are outlined in the RKA that the provincial, district and BPN Bappeda has communication;
17. This land certification program is a program delivered by the governor, which is prepared at every opportunity when visiting the community so this program must be done, info on the Head of PA Bappeda Kaltim;
18. Operational costs are budgeted as a companion fund by the district with a maximum of 15% and the expectations of these funds are not only for operations but also for pre -certification financing in the next year or the coming year;
19. Operational costs 15% referred to by the Finance Bureau based on related SKPD;
20. East Kalimantan 2015 is ready for certification with a target of all the targets that can be achieved, message from Bappenas;
21. Early October the Bappenas will visit East Kalimantan;
22. Land certification based on KTP in accordance with the residence of the community;
23. After this meeting will be followed up by the next meeting between the Provincial Bappeda, the related SKPD BPN in the Assistant I Setwilda of East Kalimantan Province, H. Aji Fathurahman.
(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan, Sukandar, S. Sos).