Saturday, 28 November 2020
National Sanitation Development
Jakarta, 27/8/14. Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir. H. Nazrin, M.Si together with the West Sumatra Province Bappeda signed an agreement Ancol on Community -Based Total Sanitation (STBM) witnessed by the Director General of Regional Government, Mr. Tarmidzi Ismail and PLH Director General of PP and PL, Dr. H.M. Dawn., MPPM at the STBM National Coordination Meeting, at the Sahid Sudirman Hotel Jakarta was attended by participants from the Province of Indonesia and from the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia approximately 70 people.
In accordance with the National Medium -Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of the Republic of Indonesia in 2015 - 2019, the government is determined to respond to universal sanitation access (100%) in 2014. This target is 2 years faster than the world target in 2014 as declared from The UN Sanitation Technical Team for the Development of Post Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in 2005.
STBM was designated as a national sanitation development approach since 2008 it is expected to be able to contribute significantly in the efforts to achieve the 2019 target. The National Socio -Economic Survey (Susenas) shows the achievement of Indonesia's sanitation access of 59.71% (urban 75% and rural 44%) In 2013, it means that there are still 40%, 29% or 100 million Indonesians who have to get access to sanitation until the end of 2019.
Until the first quarter of 2014 STBM was held at 17,057 Dera and targeted 20,000 dera at the end of 2014 can fulfilled with the hope of support and local governments, elements of society and the business world of Swata and BUMN / BUMD.
Purpose 1. Strengthening the commitment of various stakeholders, especially the provincial and district /city regional governments as well as the ministry.
2. Supports the synergy efforts between the Ministry of Sanitation Program and strengthens the sanitation component in the multi -sector program.
Implementation of STBN Coordination Meeting
was held from 3-5 September 2014 at the Ancol Jakarta Discovery Hotel which was attended and opened by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Director of the Minister of National Development Planning / Bappenas.
Results of the National Coordination Meeting of STBM