Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Environmental development
Balikpapan, 18/9/14. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government together with all elements of society have declared and published the Green Kaltim program (Green Kaltim) in Kaltim Summit 2010 event, January 7 2010 at the Grand Senyiur Hotel Samarinda which was attended by stakeholder participants, totaling approximately 1,200 people, from local and national.
Green Kalimantan is the condition of East Kalimantan which has policy tools, governance and development programs that provide social and ecological protection for the people of East Kalimantan and provide long-term guarantees for the safety and welfare of the community as well as environmental sustainability. Green Kaltim is the start of a process of implementing environmentally sound regional development (Green Devernance) with an environmentally sound government management database.
This was conveyed by the Acting Regional Secretary (Plt) of East Kalimantan Province, DR.H. Ir. Rusmadi.MS represented the Governor of East Kalimantan when delivering his remarks as well as opening the Intensive Discussion event "Stakeholder Initiatives to realize a green economy in East Kalimantan" in the Ballroom of the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan.
Intensive Discussion Activities "Stakeholder initiatives in order to realize a green economy in East Kalimantan" also in the context of receiving a working visit from the Norwegian Ambassador to Indonesia, Stig Traavik in East Kalimantan. This activity was organized by the East Kalimantan DDPI (Regional Council for Climate Change) together with WWF Indonesia supported by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government which was attended by approximately 75 participants from the Central Government, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Regency/City Governments throughout East Kalimantan, local and international NGOs, practitioners and academics.
Discussion Participants
Participants from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda were attended by the Head of Economics, Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Si; Head of Natural Resources and Environment Sub-Sector, Ir. Budhi Apriasena; Duma Mangalle, SE executive staff for Economic Affairs; Sukandar, S.Sos, Public Relations executive staff. Meanwhile, the Head of Economics, Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Si was also the moderator for the first discussion session which was supposed to be hosted by Prof. DR. Daddy Ruhiyat, Daily Chair of DDPI Kaltim because he simultaneously attended a press conference with Plt. Regional Secretary. East Kalimantan representing the Governor of East Kalimantan, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Indonesia, H.E.Stig Traavik; Deputy Regent of West Kutai and Acting. Regent of Mahakam Ulu, the task of moderating the first session was carried out by Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.SI with resource person Prof. DR. Mustofa Agung Sardjono/DDPI Kaltim presented a presentation entitled East Kalimantan REDD+ Update: Implementation and Challenges; second resource person DR. Prabianto Mukti Wibowo / HoB National Working Group delivered a presentation entitled HOB Kalimantan Updates: Implementation and Challenges; The third resource person was delivered by the Head of West Kutai Bappeda, represented by Arliana Yulianti, delivering a presentation entitled Green Economic Policy in West Kutai.
Intensive Discussion Forum "Stakeholder initiatives in order to realize a green economy in East Kalimantan" is a forum for parties involved in green economy and REDD+ pilot activities in East Kalimantan, to share and exchange information regarding the progress and challenges they face during implementation activities.
In his remarks the Governor of East Kalimantan, DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak delivered by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS said that in an effort to reduce carbon emissions and implement environmentally sound development (green development) using a low carbon growth strategy in East Kalimantan, basically it is about combining economic growth with climate change mitigation which relies on:
1. Reducing the carbon footprint of related economic sectors, namely agriculture, forestry, plantations, coal, oil and gas;
2. Carry out economic activities with higher added value but produce lower emissions;
3. Building an economy and infrastructure that is resilient to climate change.
East Kalimantan Development Strategy
The East Kalimantan Provincial Government has established a development strategy, not only for the next five years but is designed until 2030 in realizing Advanced East Kalimantan by 2030.
Kaltim has gone through several phases of economic development that were less healthy and of poor quality. The decline in growth rates from 7.42% in the timber period to 5.41% in the oil and gas era has resulted in unemployment increasing to above 10%. Furthermore, the decline in the rate of economic growth due to the shift in the economic base from oil and gas to coal resulted in the highest unemployment percentage in East Kalimantan's economic history, namely 12.83% in 2007.
However, since economic transformation efforts were made in 2009, the unemployment percentage has continued to decline and in 2013 it became 8.87%, the poverty rate became 6.06% and the HDI increased to 77.10.
This fact shows that the phenomenon of changes in regional economic growth rates as a result of reduced stocks of non-renewable resources has occurred in the East Kalimantan region. The worst condition occurred in 2013 when economic growth only reached 1.59% which was caused by a decrease in the contribution of the oil and gas and coal sectors due to a decrease in production and a decrease in coal prices.
In the last decade, the role of the non-oil and gas sector in East Kalimantan has increased, especially driven by coal mining. While the contribution of renewable economic sectors such as agriculture and services is still small, we are changing this economic structure through an economic transformation strategy towards an economic structure based on renewable natural resources. Said the Governor of East Kalimantan in his speech.
Realizing the growth being faced, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government implemented an economic transformation policy based on renewable natural resources, where 2009 - 2013 was the foundation for socio-economic transformation, while the 2014-2018 period was when we implemented a development pattern by strengthening competitiveness. , added value based on sustainable local resources. Implementing a green economic growth scenario or a low carbon development scenario is the right choice for East Kalimantan.
Increasing human capital capabilities that master science and technology is very necessary to enter the innovation-driven economy stage. This requires social and economic transformation. (Public Relations of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).