
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Minister of VAT: MP3EI Start Work

Jakarta, 5/11/14 . MP3EI Program (Material Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development It is still running still running but in Evaluation of which programs are still feasible or incorrect Target. Specifically the Sunda Strait Bridge Development Plan through the MP3EI program is postponed with an undetermined time and will prioritize development in Central Indonesia and the Eastern Region, so national development is not only centered in Western Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Andrinof Chaniago in delivering remarks and presentation at the Coordination Meeting of the Discussion of the Kalimantan Regional Priority Program in the Sumba Room Meeting Room Borobudur Hotel, Wednesday Wednesday 11/11/14.

Rakonreg Discussion of the Kalimantan Priority Program was attended by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Farok Ishak and the Governor of South Kalimantan, Rudy Ariffin and Governor in Kalimantan or who represent, were also attended by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS and officials in the scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and the District/City Regional Head or officials in East Kalimantan as well as officials in the scope of provincial and district/city governments in Kalimantan are approximately 300 people.

Implementation of the Rakonreg Priority Kalimantan Program begins with the reading of prayer and followed by a report on the implementation of the Rakonreg Priority Kalimantan program submitted by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province as well as Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir. H. Rusmadi.MS as the host in the event. 2._teri-gub_se_kalimantan_dsc_0026_ =

Opening of the Coordination Meeting of the Discussion of the Kalimantan Regional Priority Program by the Minister of Agrarian Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN), Ferry Mursyidan Baldan stated that the importance of management of the land sector, the land must be managed not only in the management of land/certificate. or managed properly there is no conflict.

While the closure by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Andrinof Chaniago hopes that the island of Kalimantan will become a new era of development in Indonesia, especially in the eastern region.

Formulation of the Coordination Meeting of the 2014 Kalimantan Priority Program Discussion in the Kalimantan Regional Revitalization and Acceleration Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK):

1. As the Chairperson of the Kalimantan Regional Development Revitalization Cooperation Forum (FKRP2RK), I want to convey a number of things that we produce from the Governor's Working Meeting in Kalimantan with the theme "Acceleration of Connectivity Completion, Fulfillment of Energy and Food Security in Kalimantan" where this meeting aims to convey Proposed programs and priority activities from the results of the Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang to the Jokowi-JK Government and the Working Cabinet to accelerate the completion of connectivity, fulfillment of energy and food security in Kalimantan;

2. Some agreements and follow -up from this working meeting are:

2.1. Does not make P. Kalimantan only a place to take natural resources without providing benefits to the people on the island of Borneo.

2.2. We propose a program /activity to solve
the problem of construction of connectivity, energy security and food security is Rp.59.12 trillion. The proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of Rp. 17.04 trillion; The Ministry of Transportation is Rp.6.56 trillion; Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Rp.10.44 trillion; and the Ministry of Agriculture Rp.14.87 trillion, and we hope that the proposal can be accommodated in the 2015 State Budget.

6._PESTERA_DSC_0003_142.3. To accelerate the completion of the RTRW for the province in P. Kalimantan which has not been completed using a one -door procedure through the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Indonesia.

2.4. To overcome the problem of land control in forest areas by the community, for example for the issuance of land certificates in the forest area for the community to use the legal foundation of the Joint Forestry Minister, Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Public Works and the Head of BPN on how to complete land control in the forest area , for this matter, the readiness of each provincial and district/city governments is needed to take advantage of this joint decision.

2.5. To support food security, the government will build an irrigation network of 1 million ha and rehabilitation of reservoirs and dams, therefore it must be ascertained P. Kalimantan will get part of the irrigation network development plan.

2.6. Accelerate the construction of inter -provincial roads on the island of Kalimantan which is still cut off and the bridge is also building a road network to the center of the industrial estate and the central area of ​​the building.

2.7. Increasing the efficiency of resources in the agricultural sector, especially in land use, as well as increasing agricultural infrastructure to increase agricultural production while increasing the number of farmers' households and increasing the use of Alsintan, therefore the support of funding from the state budget for the proposal of programs/activities in the field of food security is highly expected. >

2.8. There must be a license for licensing in all aspects and giving them its authority to the regional government, then it is expected that the Governor in Kalimantan submitting a proposal for licensing deregulation in the Energy and Energy and Mineral Resources, as a form of rearrangement of policies, especially in the energy sector in P. Kalimantan.

3. Development priority programs are directed in an effort to utilize extraordinary natural resource potential with a manufacturing approach as traded not primary products but in the form of processed both invented goods (intermediat products) and final products (processed products).

4. The serious evidence of the local government in Kalimantan made an economic transformation to the Manufatur with the completion of the Industrial Estate in Maloy, East Kalimantan became a MBTK based on PP. No. 85/2014 we hope to grow industrial estates in Kalimantan.

5. To support the development of the Industrial Zone of the Government of Kalimantan, it has and will continue to pay attention to the readiness of human resources through the construction of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology, ISBI and Scholarship to the Doctor's Program, the Kaltim Cleterlang with a target of 250,000 scholarships in 5 years.

6. Support the central government policy to carry out a license permit.

7. Details of the Proposed Programs and Activities are in the attached documents that have been officially signed by each governor submitted to the President and the relevant ministries, then the time will be determined to make a working visit to each Ministry to discuss in more detail to ensure the budgeting in the 2015 State Budget and other technical aspects support.

8. We thank you for the concern and support of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the ranks of the Working Cabinet who have received a proposal from the island of Kalimantan, the proposed program of the activity is none other than to accelerate the economic growth and welfare of justice and sustainable in the provinces in Kalimantan.

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(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).

Photo: Minister of National Development Planning / Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Andrinof Chaniago in Mimbar and East Kalimantan Governor Dr. H Awang Faroek Ishak (second from the right). Doc Photo: Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda East Kalimantan.