
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Development Prioritizing HR

Samarinda, 3/16/15. In accordance with the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) with government _ 1a Joko Widodo and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia H. Jusuf Kalla that the focus of development prioritizes his human target. This means that every development program must be able to bring a greater impact on human needs. </p>
<p> This was conveyed by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province and Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS at the 2016 East Kalimantan Province Development Priority Planning Coordination Meeting in the III Floor Renstra Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province. </p>
<p> In the delivery of exposure and at the same time the direction of H. Rusmadi.MS that in accordance with the mandate of Permendagri No. 54 of 2010 The preparation of the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) has been carried out and will be carried out the discussion stages, among others: 1. Bappeda Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan on 4-5 February 2015 in Sangatta and continued with; 2. Public Consultation dated March 12, 2015; 3. Priority Program Coordination Meeting on March 16-19 2015; 4. SKPD Forum on March 23-24 2015; 5. Musrenbang RKPD East Kalimantan Province 2015 dated 1-2 April 2015. </p>
<p> The purpose of the 2016 East Kalimantan Province Development Priority Coordination Meeting is to harmonize as well as agree on the initial draft of the East Kalimantan Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) with the SKPD Renja Draft as a translation of the 3rd year of the RPJMD East Kalimantan 2013-2018. </p>
<p> The Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province conveyed the discussion mechanism, among others: 1). Discussing the suitability of the SKPD TA program/priority activities. 2016 with the 3rd year position of the RPJMD (initial draft RKPD 2016); 2). Discussing the suitability of priority program/program performance indicators as well as the performance target of the SKPD TA Renja design. 2016 with performance indicators in the initial draft RKPD of East Kalimantan Province 2016; 3). Discussing the accuracy of the location of the 2016 SKPD Priority/Priority Activities with <img style =
12 Priority for the Development of the East Kalimantan RPJMD 2013 - 2018
1. Improving the quality of education administration;
2. Improving the quality of health services; 3. Acceleration of poverty alleviation;
4. Improvement and expansion of employment opportunities;
5. Populist economic development; 6. Acceleration of economic transformation;
7. Fulfillment of environmentally friendly energy needs; 8. Agribusiness development;
9. Increased food production; 10. Improving the quality of basic infrastructure;
11. Bureaucratic Reform and Governance; 12. Improvement of environmental quality.

Macro Indicators Development Target 2016 1. Increased Human Development Index at the level of 77.28;
2. Increased economic growth of 3.6 - 4.3 %;
3. Decreased poverty level at a level of 5.35 %;
4. Decreased unemployment rate of 6.50 %;
5. Controlled inflation at a level of 6.7% ± 1.

(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).