Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Development Prioritizing HR
Samarinda, 3/16/15. In accordance with the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) with government
12 Priority for the Development of the East Kalimantan RPJMD 2013 - 2018
1. Improving the quality of education administration;
2. Improving the quality of health services; 3. Acceleration of poverty alleviation;
4. Improvement and expansion of employment opportunities;
5. Populist economic development; 6. Acceleration of economic transformation;
7. Fulfillment of environmentally friendly energy needs; 8. Agribusiness development;
9. Increased food production; 10. Improving the quality of basic infrastructure;
11. Bureaucratic Reform and Governance; 12. Improvement of environmental quality.
Macro Indicators Development Target 2016 1. Increased Human Development Index at the level of 77.28;
2. Increased economic growth of 3.6 - 4.3 %;
3. Decreased poverty level at a level of 5.35 %;
4. Decreased unemployment rate of 6.50 %;
5. Controlled inflation at a level of 6.7% ± 1.
(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).