
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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New era of the national economy

Samarinda, 1/4/15. The direction of national development policies is more based on the added value of technology and the added value of the downstream of the industry. 4._PESERTA_MUSRENBANG_KALTIM /> </p>
<p> While in the field of energy sovereignty, the target is aimed at the development of various production of energy sources such as petroleum, natural gas and coal as well as increased electrification ratios and per capita electricity consumption. </p>
<p> Whereas in the maritime and maritime sector the target is intended to (1) strengthen identity as a maritime country that includes the resolution of maritime boundaries and recording small islands; (2) Building national connectivity that includes the development of sea tolls, ports and pioneers as well as (3) maritime and maritime economic development that includes the development of fishery ports, increased marine conservation and fisheries production. </p>
<p> For the field of tourism and the target industry is aimed at increasing the contribution of the tourism and industrial sector in the economy. </p>
<p> <strong> Development based on regional and between regions </strong> </p>
<p> The Minister of PPN/Bappenas added that related to the target of regional and inter-regional development which included village and rural areas, the development of border areas, underdeveloped regions, the development of economic growth centers outside of Java, and urban areas development </p>
<p> The national development target is expected to be followed by increasing various development, namely, first related to development targets and the community which generally includes increasing access and quality of education aimed at increasing various targets in the field of education, among others, the average length of school and literacy rates Literacy and various other targets in the field of education. An increase is also expected to occur in access and quality of health services with the target of increasing health and nutritional status of the community, increasing control of infectious and non -communicable diseases and increasing equity and quality of health services. In addition, it is also expected that there will be an increase in access to housing, especially for low -income people and access to decent drinking water and sanitation. </p>
<p> Based on the mandate of Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning System (SPPN), the preparation of the 2016 RKP must refer to the 2015-2019 RPJMN which is the elaboration of the 2015-2019 elected president's vision and mission, namely

To show priority in the way of change to Indonesia which is sovereign politically, independently in the economic field, and personality in culture, nine priority agendas are formulated. The nine priority agendas are called Nawa Cita, namely: (1) bringing back the country to protect all nations and give a sense of security to all citizens; (2) building governance that is clean, effective, democratic and reliable; (3) building Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of the unitary state; (4) Strengthening the presence of the state in reforming systems and law enforcement that is free of corruption, dignified and trusted; (5) Improving the quality of life of humans and Indonesian society; (6) increase people's productivity and competitiveness in the international market; (7) realizing economic independence by moving the strategic sectors of the domestic economy; (8) carry out a revolution of national character; and (9) strengthen diversity and strengthen social restoration. Various priority development agendas are intended for a better Indonesia.

The national development strategy outlines development norms aimed at improving the quality of life of humans and society; creating sustainable economic growth that does not cause widening of development inequality; and carry out development without reducing the carrying capacity of the environment and disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. For this reason, the implementation of development is carried out through 3 (three) dimensions of development, namely first, the dimensions of human and community development through education, health, housing and mentality; Second is the development of the leading sector with the priority of food sovereignty, energy sovereignty, maritime and marine and tourism and industry; and the third is the dimensions of equity and regional. For this reason, stable social, political, legal, and security conditions are needed as a prerequisite for quality development. By considering the main challenges, policy directions, and development targets 2015-2019, the 2016 RKP theme Draft is "Specifying Infrastructure Development to Lay a Quality Development Foundation".

The design of the RKP theme emphasized that one of the main problems that hamper the acceleration of investment realization at this time is the limitations of infrastructure, including electricity supply. Fulfillment of the availability of infrastructure is one of the main prerequisites that must be carried out in quality development aimed at developing people and society, which is inclusive and based, and may not widen inequality between groups and between regions. Development activities must not damage, reduce the carrying capacity of the environment and the balance of ecosystems in an effort to produce growth, and sustainable welfare. Infrastructure development is needed, especially to support the priority agenda of food sovereignty, energy sovereignty, maritime, tourism and industry with the target of broad social groups and targets of regional targets that pay attention to the equity of
in 2016, so that the economic contribution to the Kalmantan and national regions increases, increase then the province of East Kalimantan is expected to grow by 5.6 percent. Meanwhile, high growth can reduce poverty to 4.7 percent. While the open unemployment rate can be reduced to 8.0 percent.

In an effort to achieve various development targets in the Province of East Kalimantan, it is necessary to align between national development planning and regions both in the medium and annual term development plan. Alignment is adjusted to the conditions, potentials and characteristics of the regions that are adjusted to the division of government affairs between the government, the provincial government and district/city governments are determined based on statutory regulations.

To realize the harmony between the RPJMD and the 2015-2019 RPJMN for the Province, Regency and City, a Joint Regulation will be prepared which aims to achieve the national development priority targets stipulated in the 2015-2019 RPJMN that require support from the Regional Governments both provincial and district /City in the period 2015-2019 can be achieved.

harmony is realized in several ways. First, strategies and direction of the regional medium-term development policies that are in harmony with the main targets and development strategies outlined in the general national development policy, macroeconomic framework, as well as the policy direction and strategy of each national development agenda (Nawa Cita) as stated in the book I RPJMN 2015-2019. Second, general policies and regional medium-term development programs that are in line with the achievement of the target of development plans as stated in the 2015-2019 RPJMN Book II; and third, the achievement of the target of the Regional Medium-Term Development Program which is in line with the achievement of targets and direction of regional development as listed in the 2015-2019 RPJMN 2015.

For the provinces, districts and cities that have set the RPJMD before the 2015-2019 RPJMN was established, the alignment of the RPJMD was carried out in the preparation of the RKPD which was aligned with the RKP starting in 2015 and the following years until the end of the 2015-2019 RPJMN period. Meanwhile, alignment as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out on priority, targets, program plans and regional development activities with the National Development Agenda (Nawa Cita) in the RKP in the year.

From some of the above, can be summarized by other problems and challenges faced by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, among others, (1) Economic Growth of East Kalimantan which is under national economic growth; (2) the open unemployment rate of East Kalimantan Province is relatively decreased and it needs to be maintained momentum; (3) the poverty level of East Kalimantan is below the national poverty level, but it needs greater effort to achieve national goals; (4) HDI of East Kalimantan Province is above the national average needs to be maintained; (5) The level of economic inequality of East Kalimantan Province is categorized as high. This shows that the economy in districts/cities in this province has not been evenly distributed; (6) Most of the public loans carried out in East Kalimantan are consumptive. This pattern is unhealthy because the growth that is driven by consumption alone is not sustainable; and (8) the portion of capital expenditure which is a public investment is quite large and needs to be improved in quality.

Meanwhile, the strategic issues of the development of East Kalimantan Province include; (1) Increasing productivity of the agricultural sector; (2) industrialization and development of quality employment; (3) improving the quality of road infrastructure and electrical supply; (4) improving the quality of human resources; (5) mobilization of community savings and banking intermediation functions to encourage access to business capital; and (5) Improving the quality of local government capital expenditure. (6) Increasing investment in the regions
Some recommendations and suggestions in the future include (1) Empowerment of Small, Medium Enterprises, and Cooperatives, especially in terms of access to capital and mastery of appropriate technology ; (2) empowerment of farmers and fishermen, especially in terms of improving access to factors of production (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, superior seeds) including increasing irrigation networks, counseling and promotions of brand/image of superior commodities; (3) Increasing ease of business licensing; (4) improvement of road network quality; (5) Increasing the capacity/supply of regional electricity; (6) increasing access to education, especially secondary education (general and vocational); (7) an increase in the portion of APBD capital expenditure which is prioritized in the infrastructure sector which is the authority of the region; and (8) Increasing coordination between local governments and monetary authorities at the regional level in creating a conducive business climate: Increasing banking intermediation functions in the region, credit guarantee and regional inflation control.

(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).