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Next 70 years of East Kalimantan Capital Capital

Samarinda, Wednesday 7/10/15. Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak has an extraordinary dream and far ahead on 2c._seminar_kapsul /> Year 2085 namely

the statement of the Governor of East Kalimantan delivered at the time of delivering remarks and at the same time opened a daily seminar event for the time capsule expedition with the theme "Knitting the Development of East Kalimantan for Indonesia Raya in 2085" in the meeting room of Ruhui Rahayu Office East Kalimantan Governor, Jalan Gadjah Mada Number 2 Samarinda, 7/10/15.

h. Awang Faroek Ishak added that as a governor must have the courage to dream in order to improve the development to be achieved so that the dream will be realized with a real effort and the main task for the government is to prosper the people.

The expression of the Governor of East Kalimantan which is very deep and very memorable for the seminar participants is "whether the next 70 years or in 2085 East Kalimantan still remains in the Republic of Indonesia or Merdeka, of course we all do not know because all of us in this room certainly can not know anymore except our children and grandchildren ". now and not so as not to be a nightmare for our grandchildren Nantin. Said the Governor of East Kalimantan.

Dreams or opinions of the Governor of East Kalimantan in the next 70 years or 2085 delivered at the time capsule seminar event include:
1. A governor must dare to dream in order Improving the development and welfare of the people;
2. Dreaming is not possible to be realized without any effort, try the dream to become real in time;
3. Humans;
4. Governor of East Kalimantan has not given a new permit to mining;
5. Dream of the Governor of East Kalimantan when the natural resources of East Kalimantan will run out, reliable human resources will emerge such as Singapore, Japan and Countries- other developed countries;
6. What we do now we hope for our children and grandchildren who enjoy the results; 3.

The National Movement of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia which was campaigned by President Joko Widodo through the National Expedition of the Capsule Time in 2085 or 70 years what we want to achieve received the attention and serious support of the Governor of East Kalimantan, H. Awang Faroek Ishak by governing the entire SKPD of the scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and the Regency / City Government to match the movement with the people of East Kalimantan and the peak will be carried out on October 28, 2015 which also coincides in order to welcome the Youth Pledge Day will be carried out in Samarinda Sempaja Stadium.

While the Speaker of the Seminar on the day of the East Kalimantan Time Capsule Expedition H. Djafar Sidik as a community and religious leaders will convey the material of social and cultural aspects, the environment, religion and welfare with the topic: "Realizing HR Professionals who have noble character "; said that the next 70 years the human resources of East Kalimantan must be able to manage natural resources with various diversity.

While the phrase from the Pembik Tembica Dr.H. Isran Noor as a politician and will deliver material aspects of government, politics, law, defense and security, spatial planning and environment and the Welfare with the topic: "Realizing a clean and corruption -free governance"; It is "East Kalimantan must be honest in managing government and not wrong to its people even with corruptors". H. Isran Noor continued his expression that "Disagreeing the corruptors were punished as severe as possible to the level of mistakes".

The former East Kutai Regent gave an example that if there are officials or someone becomes a corruption suspect with the managed funds for example Rp. 42 AD and after going through the trial process, the person is found guilty, but the obstacle that the person has harmed state money of Rp. 42 m even though only 2 billion he said, this means that he had been wrong to the person. The state should have happened to be 2 billion disadvantages not Rp. 42 billion.

Speaker from Mulawarman University who was directly delivered by the Rector of Unmul, Prof. Mas Jaya has a broad and in -depth view that dreams are a dream that must be made in time with the next 70 years target or in 2085.

Broadly speaking, in achieving dreams first must know the current conditions and will dream of what is expected in 2085. sustainable development.
different again from the opinion of the last speaker, Zuhairi represents young leaders but has a very broad thought about the plan of East Kalimantan in 2085.

In his dream there are three very spectacular including: 1. East Kalimantan is a world research center in order to produce various superior products that can bring regional opinions, especially Mulawarman University as the center of world research; 2. Representing East Kalimantan as a center of people's economic center; 3. Reflecting the long and beautiful Mahakam River as the center of the world's marine tourism so that it will be able to improve the economy of East Kalimantan and can accommodate very many labor.

Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos