ASN Bappeda Kaltim Dumbang Victory to the East Kalimantan Putra Basketball Team in Porpri III Porprov
Paser, (06/12/2024) - A proud achievement was won by the East Kalimantan men's basketball team in the Korpri III Porprov event held in Paser Regency. In the match which took place on Friday (6/12), the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's men's basketball team won a brilliant victory over the Berau Regency Basketball Team with a final score of 58-44.
One of the players who contributed in this victory was Ali Mudzakir Hamidi, ASN Bappeda East Kalimantan. Ali's participation in the team is a matter of pride for the East Kalimantan Bappeda, as well as showing the active role of ASN in supporting sports activities and making the name of the province.
This victory is a motivation for other ASNs to continue to support and actively participate in various activities, both in professional and sports.
Photo: (amh)
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