
Tuesday, 10 September 2024



360 times seen

Bappeda Kaltim attended the Green Seminar 2024 which was held to identify the potential investment of the green economy sector

In order to encourage economic transformation in the Kalimantan region towards sustainable and inclusive green economy-based development, South Kalimantan Province Idonesia Bank Representative Office (KPW BI Kalsel) held Green Seminar 2024 activities in Fugo Banjarmasin Hotel, Tuesday (10/9).

This seminar was attended by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda PSDA, Wahyu Gatut Purboyo and various stakeholders including elements of government, academics, business actors, and the general public, to discuss strategies and initiatives in facing challenges of climate change and optimize renewable energy potential.

This seminar raised the theme "Empowering the Economy of Kalimantan Through Sustainable Green Initiatives/ Empowering the Kalimantan Economy through Green and Sustainable Initiatives", is a theme that is expected to build our optimism in encouraging transformation economy while building civilization that is more concerned with environmental sustainability, community welfare, and also the lives of future generations.

Head of Bank Indonesia Representative of South Kalimantan Province, Fadjar Majardi, in his remarks emphasized that the Green Seminar 2024 is a continuation of the 2023 International Seminar and is now increasingly focused on the formation of green behavior in the community. He also highlighted the importance of synergy between various parties, including the government, business, banking, NGOs, and local communities, in supporting sustainable development.

This seminar presents eight resource persons with two sessions, the first session by the Coordinator of the EBT Business Program Preparation of the Directorate General of EBTKE-Mustaba Ari Suryoko, Coordinator of the Macro-National Team Directorate of Macro Planning and Analysis Bappanas Statistics - Khalishah Mutiara Purnamasari, ITB Advisory Council - Filda Citra Yusgiantoro, and Members of the Mitigation Team of Climate Change of the Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology - Rachmawan Budiarto.

Then in the second session, by the founder of Clean Power Indonesia-Jaya Wahono, CEO/Founder of PT Innovation Sustainability Indonesia-Sandy Wijaya, Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University-Muhammad Handry Imansyah , and Asia Pacific Starup Mentor - Ali Irsyad.

