Bappeda Kaltim was a resource person at the EFT V National Conference in Jakarta
Samarinda (07/24/2024) - Head of the Economy and Natural Resources in East Kalimantan Bappeda, Wahyu Gatut Purboyo became a resource at the EFT V National Conference & Launching of Juknis Performance Based in Ecology Based In the area carried out by the Nusantara Pillar Association (Pinus) with the support of ford Foundation in Luminor Hotel Jakarta, Wednesday (24/7).
This agenda is the application of the Ecological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) model as one of the environmental funding innovations in the region. The EFT model is formulated in the form of a fiscal transfer incentive scheme from the local government to the government under it in the same jurisdiction. Provision of incentives based on measurable ecological performance based on ecological authority and performance with the objectives and benefits for environmental preservation and low carbon development. The Civil Society Coalition is supported by TAF promoting the EFT scheme in the regions in the form of ecological -based provincial budget transfers (Tape), ecological -based district budget transfers (Take) and Ecological Based Village Budget Allocation (ALAKE), and in the National, namely the Transfer of Ecology Based National Budget (Tane).
In its presentation related to the implementation and learning of REDD Result Payment (RBP) of East Kalimantan Province, Wahyu Gatut Purboyo explained about the Emission Reduction Program from Deforestation & Forest Degradation in Indonesia, FCPF-CF Location, Causes Deforestration & Forest Degradation in East Kalimantan Province REDD+ program components through FCPF-CF in East Kalimantan, institutions in the implementation of the FCPF-CF program in East Kalimantan Province, Investment Plans from RBP managed by BPDLH, distribution flow and supervision of benefits, the distribution process of benefits in the provinces and districts/cities, and the annual work plan of the local government.
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