Saturday, 28 November 2020
BIMTEK SIPPD Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan
Samarinda, 6/3/12. Technical Guidance on Regional Development Planning Information Systems (BIMTEK SIPPD) specifically for operators at
Regency/City Bappeda environment throughout East Kalimantan in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Archetype meeting room, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda was opened by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Drs. S. Adiyat moderator Head of Program Planning Sub Division of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir. Surono and resource person Ali Mujib, S.Kom., MM.
Approximately 35 participants attended who were SIPPD operators within the Regency/City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan. Participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in this technical guidance by preparing their respective laptops to make it easier to absorb the knowledge conveyed by the resource person. Some of the participants who take part in the SIPPD technical guidance have never been familiar with SIPPD, so both resource persons are required to be serious in conveying it to participants or the participants themselves must concentrate in following each guidance given.
Introduction to SIPPD
The Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) is a tool used to support the implementation of regional development planning so that it can run more effectively and efficiently and still maintain the principles outlined previously. The use of SIPPD itself has actually been regulated in government regulation number 8 of 2008 in article 30 paragraph 1 which reads "In order to manage and utilize data and information optimally, regions need to build a Regional Development Planning Information System". SIPPD itself is basically a large, mutually sustainable system. Therefore, in its development and implementation, the implementation of SIPPD is divided into several modules.
SIPPD Module
1. SIPPD Provincial RKPD Musrenbang Module
SIPPD RKPD Musrenbang Module is a system used to facilitate the implementation of RKPD Musrenbang in the Province. The final result of this system is the Provincial RKPD document and Provincial SKPD Renja;
2. SIPPD Provincial KUA/PPAS Module
SIPPD Provincial KUA/PPAS Module is an information system used to support the implementation of KUA/PPAS preparation in the Province. In general, the implementation of the SIPPD Provincial KUA/PPAS Module is a module created after the SIPPD Musrenbang Module for the Provincial RKPD. This is because it is related to integrated data so that synchronization and consistency from the planning to budgeting process can be maintained.
3. SIPPD Provincial RKA/DPA Module
SIPPD Provincial RKA/DPA Module is a system used to assist in the preparation of RKA/DPA by each RKPD. The final result of this system is none other than an RKA/DPA document in accordance with the applicable statutory and regulatory format.
4. SIPPD Provincial Monev Module
SIPPD Provincial Moven Module is a system used to monitor and evaluate the implementation of activity programs that have been adapted to the planning process so that data consistency from planning, budgeting, to implementation can be well maintained.
The SIPPD application was developed in a portal / website model that runs on the Internet. Some of the benefits that can be obtained with this portal model are:
1. The coordination process can be carried out better (there is a coordination/communication forum for all parties involved).
2. Data control can be done better because it is centralized.
3. Data synchronization can be done quickly, because the existing data is online.
4. Data processing can be done more quickly because the existing data is online.
5. Can work faster, because it can be done simultaneously (multi-user).
6. Can process data more freely (24 hours a day for a week, and can be done anywhere as long as there is an internet connection).
Several other features in the development of SIPPD are:
1. The material in the portal is not only of the substance of regional development planning, namely synchronization and harmonization of development programs and activities, but there is also material of the nature of coordination and communication between existing stakeholders.
2. The material supported is not only limited to tabular data on programs and activities, but also supports narrative and graphic data. With the completeness of this material, the process of preparing planning documents will become easier because there are policy directions.
The SIPPD application is one of the facilities that is expected to make it easier for users to use the SIPPD application. Regarding the procedures for using the SIPPD Musrenbang RKPD Module application implemented by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
Through this technical guidance, we will explain and explain each feature in the SIPPD application for the Musrenbang RKPD Module of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. With this technical guidance, it is hoped that users can more easily understand the procedures and how the SIPPD application works so that they can use the SIPPD Musrenbang RKPD Module of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government effectively and efficiently in supporting the implementation of the RKPD Musrenbang in East Kalimantan Province. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).