
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Bimtek Sippd Scope of East Kalimantan Bappeda

Samarinda, 5/3/12. Head of Program Planning Subdivision, East Kalimantan Bappeda, Ir. Surono provides general introduction directions about the benefits of 1. Implementation of Bimpek SIPPD Before the implementation of the Technical Guidance for Regional Development Planning Information Systems (Bimtek SIPPD), in the Basic Pattern Meeting Room, First Floor of Bappeda Kaltim, Jl, Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda.

SIPPD Bimtel Resource Resources Ali Mujib, S.Kom., MM gave technical knowledge transper to participants who attended approximately 30 people from the East Kalimantan Bappeda environment. This Bimtek is specifically intended for SIPPD operators in the scope of Bappeda East Kalimantan.

Technically SIPPD is a tool that will assist Bappeda in the framework of the process of preparing the RPJP, RPJMD, and RKPD in which there are strategic plans and work plans for each SKPD. In the preparation of the RPJMD a system is needed that is able to maintain the process of adjusting activities carried out by each SKPD so that it is always in line with the vision and mission of the regional head.

At the practical level, conventional development planning mechanisms (recapitulation of programs/activities and synchronization with manual budgeting) have many weaknesses related to regulations (account code systems), the ability to support planning synchronization with budgeting, inability The desired data output (see the recapitulation of proposals and budget loading and various perspectives, both sectoral and spatial).

These weaknesses cause slowness in the recapitulation and compilation of proposals, so that the preparation of the General Budget Policy (KUA) and the Priority and Provisional Budget Ceiling (PPAS) which is the output and planning process in Bappeda to withdraw from the specified schedule. Furthermore, this causes the preparation of the East Kalimantan Provincial APBD draft also resign from the schedule that has an impact on activities, so that it cannot be carried out at the beginning of the fiscal year. 2bimtek

Information systems have developed along with the development of information technology that is very fast and proven to be very instrumental in economic activities and development strategies. The existence of information systems supports the performance of increasing efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of government organizations, the business world and encouraging the realization of developed and prosperous communities. The information system needed, utilized and developed for regional development purposes is an information system that is mainly directed to support regional development planning.

The development of information technology (IT) and the internet has become a means of strength to rethink the government system with a new model. Information and internet technology encourages the transformation and paradigm of traditional bureaucracy (which emphasizes standardization, routine, specialization, internal focus and authority), towards the e-government paradigm (which emphasizes building coordinated networks, external cooperation and service orientation to customers/communities as focus). So that IT becomes one of the main elements in improving the managerial system of government.

IT-based government systems and the internet (e-government) provide many benefits for all parties, both government organizations, between government organizations, between business organizations and the wider community. So that all parties can find and find out information and conduct transactions with local government agencies anytime and anywhere without limited space and time.

This is in line with Law No.25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning System aimed at supporting coordination between development actors; guarantee the creation of integration, synchronization and synergy between regions, between spaces, between time, between government functions and between centers and regions; guarantee the relationship and consistency between planning, budgeting, implementation and supervision; Optimizing community participation and ensuring the achievement of resource development efficiently, effectively, fairly and sustainably.

The complex of affairs and actors involved, demanding that the government must immediately carry out the transformation process towards e-government. Through the transformation process, the government can optimize the utilization of information technology advances for bureaucratic organizations, as well as form a management system network and work processes that allow government agencies to work in an integrated manner to simplify access to information and public services that must be provided by the government.

The existence of this Regional Planning Information System (SIPPD) is expected to organize various aspects of development planning data in an integrated and comprehensive manner, both in the structure, type and format of data for development planning. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

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