Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Online coordination meeting of health business acceleration programs
Samarinda, (10/14/2020). Head of the Human Resources Development Subdivision Hj. Nani Nuraini, ST, MT along with four staff attended the online meeting of the School Health Business Acceleration Program/LSS East Kalimantan Province Virtual through the Zoom Meeting application.
This meeting was chaired by Plt. Head of the People's Welfare Bureau Prov. Kaltim, Drs. Elto, M.Sc and attended by regional apparatus related to the scope of East Kalimantan Province and City Regency (Education Office, Health Office, Public Works Office, Bappeda) and several related vertical agencies (BPOM, Ministry of Religion, Indonesian Red Cross).
The success of fostering and developing school/madrasa health businesses (UKS/M), seen and reflected in clean and healthy life behavior and increasing the health status of students in particular and school communities in general. This is the expected impact of the implementation of the development and development of the UKS/M program in all education units starting from the TK/RA, SD/MI, SMP/MTs levels, and Didan High School/SMK/MA.
Based on the results of observations and monitoring carried out by the Provincial Level Guidance Team, it turns out that there are still quite a lot of schools/madrasas who have not implemented UKS/M properly and correctly, mainly due to lack of guidance, training for UKS/M coaches to increase understanding, insight, awareness, and commitment Therefore we need a strategy for implementing a TP linear program. The right UKS/M to be a solution to this problem.
The Provincial UKS/M Supervisor Team consists of the Education and Culture Office, the Health Office, the People's Welfare Bureau, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, the Public Works and Public Housing Agency, the Center for Drug and Food Supervisory (BPOM), the Environment and Forestry Department, Indonesian Red Cross in East Kalimantan Province.
The role of the Provincial Government in the acceleration of UKS/M development and development is responsible for facilitating the implementation of UKS/M in all districts/cities in their regions.
(Humasbapandalaltim/FAT/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)