
Monday, 30 November 2020



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Extraordinary Dasyat Calculated

Samarinda, 01/13/2016. Dasyat outside the cost of the response of the people of East Kalimantan who attended thousands of masses to the invitation from the Provincial Government 3a Assegaf from the city of Sola Central Java. </p>
<p style = Shalawat which was held by Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf really soothe the hearts of the students who were present with enthusiasm always following the strains of the blessings both by Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf and seen the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak and Deputy Governor of Kalimantantimur H. Mukmin Faisal who accompanied Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf to follow him with great enthusiasm.

very interesting to follow the biographer who exactly Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf who received a very positive response to the people of East Kalimantan. Based on data from various sources of mass media the author finally got and the information.

Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf is one of the sons of 16 sons and daughters. Al-Habib Abdulkadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf (Alim Figure and Imam of the Jami Asegaf Mosque in the Kliwon Solo Market), starting from the education provided by his professor who is also a beloved Handa Handa father, Habib Syech studied the teachings of religion and his ancestors.

Continuing the education continued by his uncle Alm. Habib Ahmad bin Abdurrahman Assegaf who came from Hadramaout.

Habib Syech also received education, full support and attention from the late. Al-Imam, Al-Arifbillah, Al-Habib Muhammad Anis bin Alwiy Al-Habsyi (Imam of the Riyadh Mosque and Magom Al-Habsyi). Thanks to all the guidance, advice, and patience, Habib Syech bin Abdulkadir Assegaf climbed the day to always do the symbol of love from the Rosul which began from the city of Solo.

Time after time goes to accompany the symbols of love, unconsciously many people are interested and followed the assembly, until now there have been thousands of worshipers who are members of Ahbabul Musthofa. They follow and explore the importance of love for Rosul SAW in this life.

Ahbabul Musthofa, is one of the several assemblies that exist to facilitate the people in understanding and mentaluladani Rosul SAW, standing around 1998 in the city of Solo, precisely the Mertodranan village, starting with the Rotibul Haddad and Burdah and Burdah maulid To invite the Ummah and himself in raising a sense of love for our lord of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Until now, Habib Syech is still chanting beautiful poems and shimbling Shimthud Durror in various places, for Jogja every Friday night Pahing at IAIN likes, Timoho.

Routine Sholawat: Every Wednesday night and Saturday night Ba'da Isyak at the residence of Habib Syech bin Abdulkadir Assegaf.

The routine recitation of Ahbabul Musthofa is in various places including: 1. Purwodadi (Saturday Night Kliwon) at the Great Mosque of Baitul Makmur Purwodadi; 2. Kudus (Wednesday Night Pahing) in the courtyard of the Kudus Great Mosque; 3. Jepara (Saturday night Legi) in the yard of the Great Mosque of Jepara; 4. Sragen (Saturday night Pahing) at the Assakinah Mosque, Puro Asri, Sragen; 5. Jogja (Friday Night Pahing) on ​​the PP page. Minhajuttamyiz, Timoho, behind the IAIN campus; 6. Solo (Saturday night) in the yard of the Surakarta Grand Mosque.


Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos