
Wednesday, 13 April 2022



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Training for Certification of Technical Competency Management of the State Civil Apparatus for PNS in the scope of the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan 2022

Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Sc. Attending the State Civil Service Management Technical Competency Certification Training for Civil Servants in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Environment in 2022 Administrator held at the East Kalimantan Province BKD Office, Wednesday (04/13/2022).


The event opened by the Head of the East Kalimantan Province BKD ASN Development, Mr. Sudarwanto was carried out by implementing a health protocol and attended by 48 participants consisting of various regional apparatus in the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan that meets the provisions as invited previously submitted.


"The implementation of this training or sharing session is the initial part of the ASN competency development program at the administrator level in the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan, where the ASN management certification will be carried out which aims to measure the ASN professionalism index in the Provincial Government. Kaltim, "explained the Head of ASN Development was faced with all participants in the Certification Training and Training Center.


further, Plt. Head of ASN Position Certification, Agung Wicaksono also explained that to take part in ASN management training and certification, all participants will use information systems from the State Personnel Agency (BKN) named Siplasma (ASN Management Training and Certification Information System) at the link.


related to technical requirements that must be completed and the process of implementing ASN management training and certification will go through the Siplasma System.


To be known, the Certification of the Technical Competency of the Management of the State Civil Apparatus for PNS in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is carried out to carry out the provisions of the legislation, where each civil servant is given the right in the development of competencies so that the fulfillment of competency standards for structural officials as the person in charge of the implementation of all public activities and government administration and development, including civil servants' management in each work unit in each of the work units of each.

#baped mutiled


#Personnel of the Kaltim

#Competence of Paraturkaltim
