Thursday, 22 February 2024
Multiple Discussion: Energy Transformation in East Kalimantan Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development
Balikpapan, 02/20/2024 - Wahyu Gatut Purboyo, as Head of the Bappeda PSDA Division of East Kalimantan Province, highlighted the role of energy transformation in the long -term planning of the regional plan at the "multi -multi -deepening discussion event related Integration of KLHS in the preparation of regional development plans "at the Swiss Bell Hotel Balikpapan.
In the meeting, Wahyu Gatut Purboyo raised an important issue related to "Planning for Fair Energy Transition in Long-Term and Medium-Term Planning Documents of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government." In its presentation, it was stated that economic transformation in East Kalimantan will lead to sectors diversification, away from the dominance of the mining sector and will be more directed to the high -value industrial sector, such as service sectors, and trade.
The importance of energy transformation in East Kalimantan is illustrated from the plan to make economic activities in East Kalimantan sustainably and also balanced, with regard to social, economic and environmental development. This effort is expected to be the main contributor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and can have a positive impact on the global climate.
Wahyu Gatut Purboyo explained that the direction of economic development in East Kalimantan, as stated in the RPJPD in 2025-2045, will focus on economic development that is inclusive and sustainable. This will be achieved through increasing interaction and collaboration between regions, developing downstreaming of superior commodity -based industries, people's economic development, and the development of potential tourism destinations.
With the transformation of energy as the main driving force, East Kalimantan is committed to becoming a highly competitive and environmentally friendly regional economic development motor. The positive impact is not only felt by the local community but also contributes significantly in global efforts to fight climate change and achieve zero targets of carbon emissions in 2045.
With concrete steps in energy transformation, sustainability and inclusiveness can be a solid foundation in a development. Through a strong collaboration and commitment to inclusive development, it is hoped that East Kalimantan will not only succeed in empowering the community but can also support the global struggle in addressing climate change.
#kaltimnergiber sustainable
#transformation of energy