
Sunday, 29 November 2020



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Opening of East Kalimantan Expo 2012

Samarinda, 8/31/12. Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan H. Farid Wadjdy opened the 2012 Kaltim Exspo in commemoration of the 67th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at the Gor Segiri Samarinda parking lot, attended by SKPD heads or representatives within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the East Kalimantan DPRD.

The opening of the 2012 East Kalimantan Exspo was enlivened with various entertainment and dance arts typical of East Kalimantan, including the Hornbill dance, a typical Dayak tribal dance and the Jepen dance, a typical Kutai sukur dance, which received a very enthusiastic welcome from the invitees and spectators who attended the event. (Sukandar, S.Sos/PR Bappeda Kaltim).

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