Facilitation of draft regional regulations regarding changes to the district's RKPD. Kutai Kartanegara 2021
Monday 9 August 2021. Facilitating the Draft of the Regional Office on Changes in RKPD Kab. Kutai Kartanegara in 2021
In order to obtain the final draft change in the Kutai Kartanegara Regency RKPD, the East Kalimantan government through the East Kalimantan Bappeda facilitated the P-RKPD Kutai Kartanegara District P-RKPD Draft.
The purpose of this activity is to maintain the consistency of planning documents and budget documents and maintain the legitimacy of new activities in the changes to the Regency/City RKPD.
according to Wiyono, Head of Bappeda Kutai Kartanegara, the change in RKPD 2021 is based on the results of the evaluation and control of RKPD 2021 in the second quarter and the program budget ceiling, activities and sub-activities in response to Pandemic Covid-19 "he explained.
Furthermore Wiyono explained that changes were also based on the calculation of the remaining more budget calculations in 2021 on the lower initial assumption compared to the 2021 LKPD audit results, and the difference must be used in the current year.
At this meeting there are several inputs both delivered directly and in writing. The results of the Final Draft Facilitation of the 2021 PrKPD will be followed up by the Kukar Regency with the improvement of the final draft and submitted to become draft regional head regulation.