Tuesday, 01 December 2020
FGD Determination of concepts and plans in the context of the preparation of the Draft Presidential Regulation on Spatial Planning (RTR) of the National Strategic Area (KSN) Candidate Candidates (IKN)
Samarinda, (02/11/2020). Head of Data and Information Analysis Sub-Sector Agus Taswanto, ST attended Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Determining Concepts and Plans in the Context of Preparing Draft Presidential Regulations on Spatial Planning (RTR) for National Strategic Areas (KSN) for Candidates for National Capital (IKN) which was organized by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / BPN at the Mercure Samarinda Hotel.
This event was opened by the Director of National Spatial Planning and attended by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, North Penajam Paser Regency Government, Kutai Regency Government Kartanegara, PT. ITCI, PT. ITCI Hutani Manunggal.
This activity aims to gather the aspirations and technical input of the Regional Government regarding the proposed concept and plan for the KSN RTR for the National Capital Candidate, with the target of first, submitting concept proposals and plan for the KSN RTR for the Candidate for the National Capital, second, to solicit input and discuss with the regional government regarding the proposed concept and plan for the KSN RTR for the Candidate for the National Capital, third, to agree on the concept and plan RTR KSN Candidate for National Capital.
The scope of the planning area is divided into 3 areas, namely: Central Government Core Area (KIPP) 6,596.69 Ha, National Capital Area (KI-IKN) 56,181 Ha, and Regional IKN Development (KP-IKN) (KSN IKN) 256,142.72 Ha.
Based on Multi Criteria Analysis it is known that the area that can be developed as an urban area is 32.53% (84,067.64 Ha) and the area that cannot be developed as an urban area is 67.47% (174,344.98 Ha).
The process of preparing the RTR KSN for National Capital Candidates carried out by the Ministry of ATR/BPN needs to be informed to the Regions so that stake holders in the Regions can provide maximum assistance. Apart from that, the Regional Government also has interests that must be synergized with the RTR KSN Candidate for the National Capital.
Agus said that Balikpapan Bay is a magnet and attraction for IKN candidates where there are several animal habitats, so that the Draft Presidential Decree must regulate the survival of the ecosystem in Balikpapan Bay. Apart from that, what needs to be paid attention to is paying attention to instruments to maintain the availability and quality of water in the IKN area.
(Public Relations of Bappeda/Fat/Editor:Sukandar, S. Sos)