Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Focus Group Discussion Signing of Collaboration
Tuesday, November 9 2021. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the Regional Research and Development Agency conducted a Focus Group Discussion and Signed Cooperation.
This forum was opened by the Head of the Regional Research and Development Agency Abdullah Sani, SH, M.Hum, and was attended by related Regional Apparatus, TGUP3, Head of TVRI, Business World and others both online or directly.
Some of the themes discussed in this activity include Study of the existence and benefits of Three Lakes in the Kutai Kartanegara Regency and West Kutai Regency Areas (Strategic Review of Lake Semayang, Lake Melintang and Lake Jempang); Analysis study of the existence of Research and Development Institutions after the enactment of Law number 11; Study of the Analysis of the Arrangement and Marketing of the Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan Special Economic Zone (KEK) (Review of the Marketing Strategy of the Maloy KEK as the ALKI II Gateway to the Makasar Strait); Study of efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism; Study of the restructuring and revitalization of East Kalimantan BUMD (Strategic Study of BUMD which produces East Kalimantan PAD); Study of Railway Development in East Kalimantan Province; The 2021 basic Partnership Research Activity is entitled Following Frontiers of Forest City: Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanitation in Kalimantan and Beyond.
Present as a discussant at this activity was the Governor's Team for Overseeing the Acceleration of Development (TGUP3) of East Kalimantan Province.
#regional development
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