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East Kalimantan SKPD forum 2012

Samarinda, Tuesday 27/3/12. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, dr. Irianto Lambrie conveyed the presentation as well as opening the event  th = East Kalimantan Provincial Government Work Unit Forum (SKPD) in the context of the preparation of the 2013 East Kalimantan Provincial Government RKPD with the theme "Strengthening Regional Economic Competitiveness and Pro People 2013 is "Strengthening a strong domistic economy, improvement and expansion of people's welfare". 3._forum_skdp_kaltim_2012 While the 2013 East Kalimantan development strategic issues are as many as the development priority programs include: 1. GRDP has an increase and economic growth fluctuates but is not followed by a significant decline in poverty and unemployment;
2. GRDP depends on the oil and gas and mining sectors, the lack of sustainable sources of economic growth; 3. As a result of the exploitation of non -renewable resources natural resources resulting in environmental damage; 4. The occurrence of migration to the province of East Kalimantan where the population is a poor population and has no skills, resulting in a high population growth rate, a decrease in poverty and slow unemployment; 5. The lack of the number and quality of infrastructure to support production centers, industrial estates, outlets and open isolated areas (inland and border); 6. The lack of investment in the field of non -mining and oil palm manufacturing; 7. The occurrence of development gaps between coastal areas and inland /border; 8. Access and quality of education services and health has not reached the community in the border and inland areas; 9. Not yet optimal bureaucratic services and government governance; 10. The rice self -sufficiency has not been achieved; 11. Implementation of the 2013 post -conflict local election.



4._Rerah_Pembur </p>
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4._forum_skdp_kaltim_2012 5._forum_skdp_kaltim_2012 6_forum_skdp_kaltim_2012 Photo: Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos