
Thursday, 21 April 2022



748 times seen

East Kalimantan Governor talks about "Development Planning, State Capital, and Anticipating Covid Problems and Poko Materials" when giving remarks and direction to the RKPD Prov. East Kalimantan 2023

The Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr. Isran Noor, began his remarks and directions when opening the implementation of the Musrenbang in the context of preparing the RKPD for East Kalimantan Province for 2023 conveying the importance of implementing the Musrenbang as the culmination of the meeting of the parties (stakeholders) in regional development planning process. He expressed his appreciation to all parties, including the Central Government, Regency/City, DPR and DPRD, Community, Business World who have worked together to participate in development in East Kalimantan Province, especially to overcome the current difficult conditions.


2023 is the year for the 2019-2023 RPJMD to be fulfilled. The results of the evaluation of the achievements of the East Kalimantan RKPD in 2021 have been very good because they exceeded the expected targets. This high achievement is the result of hard work and smart work from all parties. In this regard, I hope that we will continue to seriously monitor the implementation of development in 2022 and plans for 2023.


Pak Isran also hopes that the development priorities that have been formulated can become the main focus at the budgeting stage and in turn can be implemented optimally by Regional Apparatus in the Province.


“I invite all development components to collaborate and work together to realize the East Kalimantan Regional Development Vision and Mission. Only with good quality planning, budgeting and implementation will we be able to realize development goals and objectives. "The support and participation of the DPRD of East Kalimantan Province to oversee and ensure harmony in planning, budgeting and implementation of development is certainly highly expected," said the number 1 person in East Kalimantan Province.


Then touching on the relocation of the National Capital, Mr. Isran Noor hopes that through the relocation of IKN which has a superhub concept, economic transformation can be realized, the quality of infrastructure and human resources will improve and the level of welfare will certainly increase. grow sustainably.


In connection with the relocation of the National Capital, the Government's attention to the surrounding areas or IKN partners must be increased. According to him, this needs to be done to avoid high disparities in welfare and it is not impossible that this could ultimately lead to social jealousy.


Mr Isran Noor also reminded the entire community to optimize vaccination and health protocols so that people have more immunity against the Covid virus which is still a threat so that people can carry out their economic activities smoothly and economic recovery areas can run more optimally. The Covid pandemic has caused economic stagnation in East Kalimantan for approximately 2 years. The whole community must be more vigilant so that Covid does not spike again. Apart from that, new problems such as scarcity of basic commodities and global problems related to Ukraine and Russia will certainly be challenges, especially for the people of East Kalimantan and all parties need to take anticipatory steps towards these challenges.




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