
Monday, 24 July 2023



543 times seen

Continuous ETAM Data Integration

Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando became a Narasuber on the Webinar "Sustainable Etam Data Integration" initiated by BPS Prov. Kaltim.


This activity is an effort to unite various data components that have been available from various objectives of this activity are to produce a variety of priority and mutual priority data. Thus, the integrated data can present more comprehensive information in analyzing the challenges of regional development in East Kalimantan and can be used in the preparation of appropriate and accurate policies.


This webinar was opened by Mr. Ir. Atqo Mardiyanto, M.Si Secretary of the Central Statistics Agency, and presented other speakers such as Ms. Mia Amalia, ST, M.Sc, PhD, Deputy for Planning and Defense Authority IKN, and Michael Abbondante Directors of International Relaten Australian Bureau of Statistics. >





