Tuesday, 05 November 2024
Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda emphasizes the importance of the Regional Consultation Forum in the FGD nimbly and GER
The Ministry of PPN/Bappenas together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic and Development Cooperation (BMZ) held a Lumping Group Discussion (FGD) at the Fugo Hotel Samarinda, Monday (04/11).
This FGD aims to map the needs and develop strategies for the implementation of the application of the green economy and the development of green jobs in East Kalimantan Province. This event was a follow-up to the kick-off meeting which was held on September 18, 2024. This FGD discussed two main projects, namely the Green Jobs for Social Inclusion and Sustainable Transformation (Gesit) and Green Economic Recovery (GER).
The nimble project focuses on developing the capacity of stakeholders to encourage employment increases in the field of green work/ green jobs. Meanwhile, the GER project aims to support Indonesia's transformation towards a sustainable green economy. East Kalimantan Province was chosen as a project location because it was considered as one of the pioneer provinces in the application of the green economy and the development of green work.
Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Yusliando, who was one of the speakers in the FGD, emphasized the importance of the regional consultation forum as a forum to reach an agreement and formulate an economic transformation strategy.
Furthermore, the Regional Consultation Forum in East Kalimantan Province that was formed in the end of October 2024 is a forum for various stakeholders to discuss and provide input related to policies and strategies for accelerating economic transformation in East Kalimantan Province, especially those related to green economy. This forum consists of various stakeholders ranging from elements of the central, provincial, district/city governments, academics, development partners, to the private sector. This forum is expected to be able to bridge the interests of various parties, produce solid recommendations and can be implemented, and work until 2045.
Jobs, as well as policy recommendations to support the growth of the green economy and green jobs in East Kalimantan.
#diskusr group of pumps