Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Cometment with East Kalimantan Network Node
Balikpapan, Thursday 10/12/2015. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan together with the City Government of City in East Kalimantan agreed in one
Based on the achievement of material from the speakers and the results of the discussion from the participants of the One Map Data One MAP forum for East Kalimantan Province in 2015 produced several important points including: 1. Cometments to the regions are needed in supporting the One Data One Map program both at the provincial and district /city levels;
2. Support from the DPRD is also very important, especially the support of program funding; 3. This network node is needed by the investor in order to invest in the area;
4. Big is ready to assist in the construction of nodes in networks in areas or districts /cities;
5. East Kalimantan Provincial Government received an award in the nomination 3 in the context of implementing a national network node;
6. Network node position is in the middle as a mediation of all data from various regional and national sectors;
7. Maps are not only planned but also as an evaluation, analysis in making policies;
8. Network node aims to facilitate access to data to local governments and private parties or investors in order to obtain accurate information; 9. East Kalimantan Data Center Data Room is 80 %; 10. The Data Center room is equipped with teleconfren and will be used as a place for the governor's policy;
11. One data one map is integrated with the private sector;
12. High satellite imagery is only able to work well if the cloud condition is a maximum of 15%;
13. Sidata Application to Spot One Data One Map of East Kalimantan Province;
14. Data is divided into two, production data and publication data which means that production data may not be published;
15. Production data may not be published;
16. Regency / City agreed to enter one data one map in each RPJMD;
17. The results of district /city data inventory;
18. Action Plan for Organizing OD-MAP;
19. Identification of Potential for Regency /City Problems;
20. The Geospatial Information Agency is still slow to provide a 1: 5,000 SKLA map;
21. Samarinda City will build a 2016 type C network node;
22. Berau Regency RTRW is expected in 2016 to be approved by the DPRD;
23. Berau Regency will form a Pokja first;
24. SKPD must provide support for the East Kalimantan network node.
Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos