Thursday, 19 October 2023
Public Consultation on Preparation of the Bontang City RPJPD for 2025-2045
Bontang (19/10/2023), Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Regional Development Planning, Control and Evaluation Sector, Mr. Isnainil Hude, S.Si attended the Public Consultation on the Preparation of the RPJPD for Bontang City Year 2025-2045. The event was held at the Hall of the Bontang Mayor's Office and was attended by members of the DPR Commission 1, OPD representatives, private companies, academics from universities, the prosecutor's office and also stakeholders.
This public consultation forum was divided into two sessions where the first session was a presentation of material resulting from the analysis of the initial draft preparation from a team of experts from the University of Indonesia, Dr. Widyono Soetjipto, M.Sc and Dr. Rudy P. Tambunan, M.Si and the second session was an input discussion session regarding analysis of long-term strategic development issues.
Head of Bapelitbang Bontang City Ir. Amiruddin hopes for community involvement in conveying their aspirations for development planning for the next twenty years, "This is not the dream of the regional head, but the dream of Bontang City. Therefore, input, suggestions and opinions regarding the direction of Bontang's development policy are in the hands of all of us. We really hope for input from all attendees to perfect and complete the preparation of the RPJPD planning." Said the Chairman of the Organizing Committee in his speech.
For your information, before this public consultation was held, an FGD was carried out with the government, the private sector and the community to investigate the problems that exist in Bontang City. In conducting a series of FGDs and analyzing these problems, the Expert Team used three approaches, namely, technocratic (scientific), bureaucratic (involving OPD) and participatory (involving academics, entrepreneurs, society and also mass media) approaches.
The strategic issue in Bontang City which is highlighted in the preparation of the long-term development plan document is the economic condition or post-oil and gas economic transformation. The reason is, Bontang City's GRDP in 2022 will amount to IDR 40.93 T with oil and gas, while without oil and gas it will amount to IDR 22.43. This shows that Bontang City is very dependent on the natural gas industry, which is a concern for the Bontang City Government when natural gas reserves begin to run low in the future. Therefore, there is a need for improvements in the local economic sector that can replace dependence on the oil and gas sector and create independent communities when facing post-oil and gas conditions. For this reason, the development of the MSME, tourism and fisheries sectors will play a large role in the economic growth of Bontang City in the future.
Apart from that, in the population and social sector, it is stated that there is a need to accelerate the development of human resources who have strong entrepreneurial abilities to face the post-oil and gas era. In the future, the role of superior human resources must be able to adapt to the quality of the workforce amidst the onslaught of developments in AI (Artificial Intelligent) technology. Other problems include the still high unemployment rate, the quality of health services which is not yet optimal and the high number of underprivileged people in Bontang City.
Apart from that, the environmental sector that is currently of concern is coastal areas which have the potential for flooding and flooding. Then, there is the problem of waste and providing raw water sources because so far we still rely on groundwater.
From the strategic issues that have been studied, a preliminary draft vision for the RPJPD for Bontang City for 2025-2045 was obtained with the vision of "an industrial city that is superior, prosperous and sustainable".
The vision is dissected again within 5 years. The first 5 years focused on strengthening the foundations of downstream industrial transformation, including tourism and a sustainable creative economy. The second 5 years include strengthening the transformation of downstream industry, tourism and the creative economy as IKN partners.
In the third 5 years we will begin to enter the acceleration stage in the transformation of downstream industry, tourism and the creative economy as IKN partners and in the last 5 years it is hoped that Bontang will be a superior and sustainable industrial city.
Furthermore, the results of this public consultation will later become material in formulating the regional vision and mission as well as policy direction and main regional targets. After that, an analysis was carried out on the KLHS (Strategic Environmental Study) preparation of the RPJPD. Next, the RPJPD document will be discussed with the DPRD to determine regional regulations (perda).
(Doc. Bapelitbang Bontang City)
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