
Sunday, 06 February 2022



889 times seen

Public Consultation RKPD Kab. West Kutai 2023

Thursday, 02/03/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty ST, M.Si representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda became a virtual resource person in the Public Consultation activities for the preparation of the West Kutai Regency RKPD in 2023.

In his presentation, he conveyed a number of matters related to development theme policies and priorities at the provincial level (in the RKPD Prov.Kaltim Ranwal in 2023) as well as the need to harmonize in the direction of the regional development policy that has been compiled related to policies in West Kutai Regency in poverty alleviation efforts.

also conveyed that with regard to development in West Kutai Regency, the Provincial Government will focus on providing educational infrastructure; Fisheries infrastructure, agriculture; Road and Bridge Infrastructure Facilities (Tering - Ujoh said); tourism infrastructure; PLTS construction; and MSME development. This is in accordance with the provincial development policy in strengthening the economy, social and environment in 2023.

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