Wednesday, 09 November 2022
1st Public Consultation with RDTR WP 3 South IKN Facts and Analysis Documents, WP 7 Simpang Samboja, WP 8 Kuala Samboja and RDTR WP 9 Muara Jawa
Monday, 07/11/2022 Secretary and Infrastructure and Sector Bappeda Prov. Kaltim attended the 1st Public Consultation Agenda of Fact Documents and Analysis of Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR) Planning Area (WP) 3 South IKN, WP 7 Simpang Samboja, WP 8 Kuala Samboja and RDTR WP 9 Muara Jawa which was held at the Platinum Hotel Balikpapan online through the zoom meeting
At the 1st Public Consultation Meeting the theme of South 3 IKN, namely the development of new renewable energy (EBT) and defense and security (Defense and Security) from the results of the concentration And as many as 10 (ten) most strategic PB issues are produced, namely: forest ecosystems on lowland sandstone that will be planned for the development of EBT; IFNET 2030 KLHK rehabilitation direction to be maintained as a forest area; Is in the water carrying capacity exceeding; Geohydrological maps show the dominance of rare gaps/nests with the level of planning (97.6%); No Go Area with the limiting factor of the geomorphological character of the slope of the landslide and rocks, the slope of the slope at 25-40% and is on the slopes prone to landslides and flash floods; Located at NKT 4.2 which is an important area for preventing erosion and sedimentation; Most of the WP has a high potential landslide hazard with 3,977.35 ha or 58.95% of the area of WP; The Karst landscape inside WP 3 is 177.83 ha; Konidi existing floods and land use is a palm plantation, rubber plantations and mixed plantations owned by the community and residential areas that need to be considered for the city's jungle plans and local protection. These issues pay attention to geospatial information data and regional actual conditions. Strategic issues on WP 3 South IKN will be reconsidered because it is considered not too large impact (only localized at a certain location, namely Pamaluan Village in RT 2 and RT.5 only).
The preparation of RDTR IKN WP 7 Simpang Samboja is based on Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2022 concerning Details Nusantara City. The purpose of structuring WP 7 Simpang Samboja is to realize WP 7 Simpang Samboja as a logistics distribution center integrated with regional transportation node; integrated and sustainable, with the theme of each WP.
Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si said that some of the things that need to be deepened in the assessment of facts and analysis. The first is that most of the Javanese Muara and Kuala Samboja have been mostly controlled by mining companies and overlap for plantation company licensing. Proposed in the future it is necessary to deepen the Eco-Region study in the region as well as the development of the drainage channel system and dimensions that must be prepared due to flood-prone areas. And the need for the study of flora and fauna mutations. Anticipate the development of infrastructure areas and area build-up areas in oil and gas pipelines. As well as the need for handling the critical ex-TAMBANG CRITICAL in Javanese Muara.
#baped mutiled
#Consultation Public
#Documents of the Factors of the Analysis of the Plan