
Monday, 04 March 2024



515 times seen

Resource Person for Socialization and Convergence Data Input for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction in the District. Mahulu

Young Expert Planner for East Kalimanan Province Bappeda, Mr. Asfiandi Zulfiar was a resource person in the Socialization of the Implementation of 8 (eight) Stunting Reduction Convergence Actions in Mahakam Ulu Regency which was carried out at the Puri Senyiur Samarinda Hotel by Bappelitbangda Mahakam Ulu Regency, Monday (04/03/2024).

In his presentation, 3 (three) Targets for Convergence and Coordination in Accelerating Stunting Reduction were presented, including :
1. Strengthening convergence in planning and budgeting for programs and activities to increase the coverage and quality of priority nutrition interventions through capacity building of district/city governments;
2. Improving the management of program services to ensure priority targets (1,000 HPK Households) obtain and utilize the intervention packages provided; and
3. Strengthen coordination across sectors and between levels of government, down to the village to ensure harmony in the provision and implementation of program implementation.

Furthermore, recommendations were presented for policy makers in Accelerating Stunting Reduction, including the need to strengthen the institutional capacity of provincial and district/city TPPS to improve the performance and quality of service interventions through controlling TPPS work plans that are oriented towards funding support in the regions as well as technical guidance, consultation, outreach and routine coordination activities.



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