Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Monitoring and Evaluation of 2022 East Kalimantan Province TPB/SDGs Implementation Achievements
The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan carried out monitoring and evaluating the achievements of TPB/SDGs of East Kalimantan Province in 2022 on December 12, 2022 at the Ballroom Borneo Hotel Novotel Balikpapan.
This activity was opened by Plt. Head of Bappeda Mr. Yusliando, ST and attended by the Regional Apparatus Prov. Kaltim, Tgup3 Prov. East Kalimantan, the Regional Climate Change Regional Council of East Kalimantan Province, Development Partners, Companies in the Coal Mining Sector, Industrial Sector, Services, Oil and Gas and Manufacturing, Plantation Sector (Palm Oil Factory), and Forestry Sector in East Kalimantan Province, and Community Organizations.
In her report the Head of Economy and SDA Ibu Hidayanti Darma explained the purpose of monitoring is to observe the development of TPB/SDGs achievement from time to time to measure the progress of the achievement of targets, and the purpose of the evaluation is to provide an overview of the achievement of TPB/SDGs and analyze the problems and factors causing it .
TPB/SDGS Monitoring and Evaluation includes 17 Sustainable Development Objectives outlined in targets and indicators that are in line with the RPJMN and RPJMD.
TPB monitoring and evaluation is also intended as a clarification forum for the results of the application (dashboard) Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting of TPB/SDGs at the https://sdg.kaltimprov.go.id link that is intended to know the implementation of the achievement of TPB/SDGS indicators, the practice of implementing the best TPB/SDGs and the problems encountered.
In his remarks Mr. Yusliando explained that this dashboard would enrich and complete information related to the achievements and obstacles of TPB/SDGs.
Closing his remarks Mr. Yusliando hopes that all parties can participate in filling out the application, then the results of this monitoring and evaluation will be a report of the Governor of East Kalimantan to the Head of Bappenas and the Minister of Home Affairs.
#Monitor and Evaluation