SKM, FKP, and SP4N Report Monitoring in East Kalimantan: Evaluation and Monitoring
Last Wednesday, Achmad Risa as Head of General Subdivision together with PPID staff attended monitoring activities on the implementation of the Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM), Public Consultation Forum (FKP), and SP4N Report in East Kalimantan Province . This activity took place at the Grand Senyiur Balikpapan Hotel.
This activity aims to evaluate the service standards provided by the government in East Kalimantan and measure the level of active community participation. Based on regulations from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), SKM must be reported at least once a year. However, PANRB urges reporting to be carried out more periodically, such as quarterly or semesterly.
In this activity, Assistant Deputy for Community Participation Empowerment, Deputy for Public Services from the Ministry of PANRB explained the importance of SKM. According to him, SKM provides important information for public service delivery agencies regarding weaknesses and performance of services that have been provided. This information is useful as material for further policy making.
Apart from SKM, the SP4N LAPOR application developed by PANRB, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information, Presidential Staff Office, and Ombudsman is also the main focus in following up on public complaints . This application allows the public to convey aspirations and complaints online.
Another activity that supports improving service standards and community participation is the implementation of the Public Consultation Forum (FKP). FKP is a participatory dialogue between public service providers and the community to discuss various policies, evaluations and problems related to public services.
These three things, namely SKM, SP4N LAPOR, and FKP, must be reported regularly as a form of government commitment regions in improving public services. As additional information, the average SKM for the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in 2023 will reach 85.76 which is categorized as "Good". However, there needs to be continuous improvement to increase service standards and provide the best for the community.
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