Opening the implementation of the 2020 EPPD on the East Kalimantan Provincial LPPD and District/City in 2019
Samarinda, (8/09/2020) . In the framework of the implementation of the Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Government (EPPD) in 2020 on the Regional Government Implementation Report (LPPD) of Kalimantan Province TMUR and Regency/City, the Regional Secretariat of the East Kalimantan Province carried out the opening of the implementation of the EPPD on LPPD online through the Zoom Meeting application.
attended online in this activity representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Head of the Control and Evaluation Sub-Sector of Muhammad Hamsani in the Sector of Development Planning and Regional Financing,
Activities opened by the Director of Performance Evaluation and Regional Autonomy Regional Autonomy followed by remarks from the Acting Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan.
The purpose of this activity is to identify and validate the Report on the results of the 2020 EPPD implementation of the East Kalimantan Province LPPD in 2019.
in his remarks PJ. The Secretary said that the Provincial Government had submitted the Governor's LKPJ and the Regional Budget Accountability Report and the current LPPD of East Kalimantan Province
Hamsani said that currently the achievement of the East Kalimantan LPPD report was very good because it was on time according to the stipulated regulations. It is hoped that through this evaluation there will be improvements according to the grade set by the evaluation team in accordance with established regulations.
it is expected that the relevant OPD will be able to prepare the data that is the needs of the LPPD evaluation team in order to help the evaluation process that will be carried out around 2 (two) days.